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To fail at epic proportions.

"Dude, you like epically-fail at life....dude...."

by Jules&Jess October 11, 2009

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LOL Fail

When a person has nothing better to say on msn or through text messaging so ends up repetitively using the world "LOL".

Suzy says:
Josh says:
Suzy says:
Josh says:
damn... LOL Fail

by Jimmy980 January 24, 2010

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When one fails 150 times in a row with no presence of Win to be found.

GuyA: Wow man you suck!
GuyB: Seriously you're like 3 attempts away from your Sesquicentenni-Fail.
GuyC:*sobbing* I'm TrYiNg My BeSt!!

by Cave-Guru February 28, 2009

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Failed Harpoon

When cupid's harpoon fails.

That bitch rejected him after being penetrated by Cupid's Harpoon. Guess his is now the Failed Harpoon.

by awk-man April 15, 2010

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Fail Zone

The Fail Zone is the seemingly magical one-in-a-million glitch that brings you to a part of the level that is not supposed to exist or simply was not noticed by the programmers. Fail Zones exist primarily in skate/snowboard genre games but in rare cases have showed up in adventure/RPG/fighting games. You can identify a Fail Zone by A)Constant falling of your character in a boundary-less black/white location B)Free roaming of your character in a small confined black/white box. To fix a Fail Zone you must restart your level or in extreme cases restart your system.

Noobish gamer:"Dude I was like playing Tony Hawks pro-skater 3 and I bailed from a grind and then I like went through the floor and just kept falling!!! What do I do????"
Me:"Well, my noobish fool, you have entered what we call a Fail Zone the only solution for it is to restart your level or your game entirely. But since that might be too difficult for you to understand, I suggest you pick up your console and trow it straight up in the then stand right under the impact location.

by utaljx285 December 20, 2009

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Epic Fail

To fail so badly it is impossible to live with the shame. People have known to use this term when a friend( or anybody for that instance ) fails so badly it is epic.

Guy: I just drove my car into a house!

Me: Why?

Guy: I was studieing the house.

Me: Epic Fail man, Epic fail...

by Guy.Mr.Person.Sir August 9, 2009

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Epic Fail

When a fail is such a great fail that is it epic.

Dude, I went Christmas tree shopping and I accidentally made a tree fall and all of them came down like dominos.

Epic fail, man.

by Awesomepunk95 December 21, 2010

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