The original natural stanky musk of a males scrotum during a hot summer day
Damn bro can’t wait till mid june for that for OG Stank
Another term for a dirty slutt; so easy half the party sleeps with her before she even thinks about washing that dicked down stank pussy.
Hey we are having a party..
Bring all the stank legs, I'm trying to fuck.
When both parties fart under a blanket and then one person performs oral sex under that blanket.
Oh my god, this girl I was with the other night gave me the Stank Tent. I loved it!
A pimp with a bunch of Stanky Hoes
Dude don't use that pimp hes a Stank Ringmaster
After dirty anal sex you take your tip and draw dimples on you partner cheeks.
What’s that of your face?
African stank dimples!
Spraying fart spray on a joint and giving it to a crackhead/tweaker and watching them tweak out
"Hey want this joint?"
"Yeah sure."
"I call it the stank doubie."
*crackhead coughing*