The vague answer you give when someone asks what you're up to - which could be something but is more likely absolutely nothing. Originates from a lazy Saturday afternoon in Mudgee, NSW.
'What are you up to today, Dom?'
'Mudgee Stuff.'
'So fuck all.'
'Pretty much.'
The vague answer you give when someone asks what you're up to - which could be something but is more likely absolutely nothing.
'What are you up to today, Dom?'
'Oh, y'know, Mudgee Stuff.'
'So fuck all.'
'Pretty much.'
Slut stuff on his dick
Rachel is gonna rock edwins cock when she does slut stuff on his dick ,
A funy xd man who is funy yet dum dum
Cynder Does Stuff is poop face >:(
Joe: bro have you had that tasty stuff?
Grog: whats that?
I wanted to leave work early so I did
I had some Jake Stuff come up so I had to dip.