When you are generalized for the town you live in and not for your actual circumstances. Usually very annoying for people who get generalized this way. A lower middle class person may be just able to afford a small apartment or house in a rather affluent area and then they get generalized as rich. Or a rich kid may live in a decent neighborhood of what is considered a bad area. These rich kids usually use this to make themselves seem hard or ghetto while the kids with the opposite problem are tired of the generalizations.
Wealthy kids who happen to live in okay areas of Mount Vernon, parts of the Bronx, Queens or Brooklyn are seen as hood but a kid who lives in a one bedroom apartment with his whole family who just happens to live in some wealthier town in Westchester of Long Island is considered soft. town generalization sucks
When you drive around town in your car simply because you can't think of anything else to do.
Usually performed by teenagers in small towns because of the lack of things to do and the fact it takes only a few minutes to drive around the entire town. The passenger(s) usually attempt to find something to do or someone else for them to hang out with while the driver drives.
"What do you guys want to do?"
"I don't know."
"Let's just do some town laps."
-proceeds to drive around town-
"Did anyone text you back?"
-drives around again-
Sundown Town-
A type of Residential Segregation that was enforced by police, they have people holding grudges worse than a f@#$ing bi#$h.
A Sundown may post itself as one or it's passed down by oral tradition. In a Sundown Town, it's awfully similar to a prison town which people are housed together by race and/or color.
The most iconic and famous Sundown Town in California (possibly the entire nation) is Oildale (Northside Bakersfield, it is a secret to everybody!)
The difference is literally between Night and Day.
Once the sun sets and it becomes dark, all the way till the Break of Dawn; please go to your side or face harassment, brutality, the Darkness holds no limit to what can happen.
Example of Sundown Town-
Let's go to Oildale.....
(On the way there a sign says, "Don't let the sun set on you here Ni#$er!")
Makes a U-Turn on the next street.....
"Fuck that!!! I thought this was California,wtf I guess Heaven does have a ghetto after all!!!!
5👍 3👎
A more politically correct word for SHIT HOLE
"Oh look at that shanti town"
A very tiny western New Mexico town in Catron County where not much happens except the annual Pie Festival and the occasional dance. There are two pie shops, both of which serve fabulous food but are very unreliable about being open and also about their pies. There is also a post office, a lawyer's office, a fire station, some houses, and a park with a pavilion perfect for skateboarding and dances. No traffic to worry about, but just in case there's a sign when you enter saying "Caution, Congested Area." People are friendly, there are lots of ranchers and hippies, and everything is laidback and casual. Not much to do except go to the pie shops and yak over coffee, or go to the BookMobile every month, or make up interesting rumors about people you only know vaguely. The town attracts a lot of tourists - hikers, bikers, horseback riders - and a lot of them have interesting tales to tell.
Right on the Continental Divide...it's all downhill from here!
Wanna go get the mail in Pie Town?
The place where schoolkids vape, aka the school bathroom.
Dang I'mma ask the people in Duff Town boi.
Work in the town you grow up in, have kids go to the same schools you do, maintain within the vicinity
Justin: I think I’m going to become a school teacher and coach in town
Jeff: So you want to be like a town lifer, that’s good