a mean jerk who isnt a nice person, they annoy other people, causes drama, and shouldn't act that way.
Are you trying to be... a ting tu?!
A person that doesn’t let you copy their work even though it doesn’t inconvenience them.
Stop being a ting yu and gimme your math worksheet
Someone who wasn't breast fed when they were young. They drank powdered milk that was bought from a shop.
"Ethan is a milk ting, didnt get the breast milk when he was young"
A thing that is grim, aka bum hole reconstruction.
"I had to have my bum hole reconstructed!" "Ahh man, that's grim tings"
My sexy ting also Known as (sami) is a very weird guy. He has an amaizng girlfriend but we don’t need to brag abt that. He is very mean and a very bad boyfriend (jk he is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for).
My sexy ting is peng
1. Tinge tinj verb
tinged, tinge·ing or ting·ing,
- to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.
- a slight degree of coloration.
2. Minge minj
- The minge is not the actual vagina, but the hair surrounding the area. The Pubic hair...
3. Tinged Minge tinjed minj
- slightly tinted pubic hair
strawberry tinged minge..... blond pubic hair with a tint/tinge of red/strawberry.