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ting tu

a mean jerk who isnt a nice person, they annoy other people, causes drama, and shouldn't act that way.

Are you trying to be... a ting tu?!

by WorstMan214 March 22, 2018

ting yu

A person that doesn’t let you copy their work even though it doesn’t inconvenience them.

Stop being a ting yu and gimme your math worksheet

by Batsu March 11, 2019

milk ting

Someone who wasn't breast fed when they were young. They drank powdered milk that was bought from a shop.

"Ethan is a milk ting, didnt get the breast milk when he was young"

by 349857309468723908719857193845 June 11, 2019

Grim Tings

A thing that is grim, aka bum hole reconstruction.

"I had to have my bum hole reconstructed!" "Ahh man, that's grim tings"

by HLtings January 9, 2020

My sexy ting

My sexy ting also Known as (sami) is a very weird guy. He has an amaizng girlfriend but we don’t need to brag abt that. He is very mean and a very bad boyfriend (jk he is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for).

My sexy ting is peng

by Zara Batra September 5, 2021

Tinged Minge

1. Tinge tinj verb

tinged, tinge·ing or ting·ing,

- to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.

- a slight degree of coloration.

2. Minge minj
- The minge is not the actual vagina, but the hair surrounding the area. The Pubic hair...

3. Tinged Minge tinjed minj

- slightly tinted pubic hair

strawberry tinged minge..... blond pubic hair with a tint/tinge of red/strawberry.

by Pants down April 30, 2012

Cou nbn ting

The art of counting down to 7pm.

I’m cou nbn ting

by 0ldh@ndL3 April 21, 2018