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cheese and crackers

A respectful alternative to, "Jesus Christ!"

Friend 1: "Dude, I totally just ate 2 large pizzas all by myself!"

Friend 2: "Cheese and crackers!"

by 5M31K0 September 8, 2009

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cheese and rice

A less offensive, yet more hilarious way of saying 'Jesus Christ'.

Found in the TV show 'Frisky Dingo'.

Cheese and Rice, he shot himself! And with my gun somehow!

by little_cupcake August 27, 2008

175๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

hella cheese

Colloquially translates into "a lot of money"

Hella - term that originated in Northern California/Bay Area which is a term used as an adjective in English grammar as "a lot"

Cheese - "money", pretty obvious. This word has deep roots in holding on to this definition.

The term "hella cheese" was most commonly referenced in the hip-hop rap song "Toyota Music" featured in Big Sean's Album "Hall of Fame"

The first intro to said song starts:
"Hella cheese, hella trees, LSD. Smoking weed..."


Girl and guy talking:

Girl: "bae you wanna go to Disneyland?"
Guy: "nah hoe, that's hella cheese."

by 3CIR December 31, 2014

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carpe cheese

literally, "seize the cheese". Used to embrace cheesy moments and phrases.

guy : I can be your hero, baby, you can take my breath away.
girl : awww, carpe cheese!

by habamttons January 27, 2007

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Hail to the Cheese

A somewhat childish double entendre reference to the fact that the 45th POTUS is both the color of Cheetos and is a fart head (as in โ€œcut the cheeseโ€).

The military band struck up a sad version of Hail to the Cheese as the Trumpster entered the ballroom!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 3, 2020

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cheese farmer

slut with a dirty crusty spadge that hasnt been washed in six years

i was about to go down on this chick but turned out she was a god damn cheese farmer

by billowey pete August 14, 2006

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shocky cheese

A habit or action in which you continue to engage, despite the fact that it has burned you in the past.

The term is derived from experiments where a rodent is put into a maze containing a delicious piece of cheese (perhaps Roquefort) that is hooked up to a wire that shocks the rodent. The rodent keeps forgetting that's the shocky cheese.

Coined by 710 KIRO AM radio host Luke Burbank on the show "Too Beautiful To Live."

"Starbucks is my shocky cheese. I was already paying for my latte when I remembered, 'I hate this place!'"

by eeMuLi April 25, 2008

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