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The belief that everything is entitled to or should be against the main core or a long history to be forgotten by putting ideology politics into entertainment, always in media that has nothing to do with the iedology politics that the group of people want labelled under, and backfires most of the time.

Guy 1: Did you hear about that woke company that abandoned all it's main audiance?
Guy 2: Which one? There is like so many of them putting ideology politics into things they don't need it to be part of.
Guy 1: Oh you right, the entertainment industry is way too woke nowadays.

by Commander8750 July 7, 2022


Originally a positive word, meaning somebody who takes nothing at face value and questions everything. However, it's become a negative word that describes those who see things that aren't there and almost try to manufacture controversy where none exists.

Craig is woke and a white knight. He's out here simping as if that will grant him the female gaze.

by KnightArtorias November 27, 2023



Eliminate the wokeism! Sick of it!!

by cspen February 19, 2023


Sometimes a quiffle, Twunt or wankspangler.

I asked the parking warden if I could call him a parking womble. He said so no because it's not woke enough. So I just called him a wankspangler instead.

by Bertie Patel December 12, 2020


People who support tv's made by LG

People who support LG Tv's ( or something like that ) are woke

by Gameify January 16, 2024


A term now embraced by middle-class white US citizens as a new buzz word to indicate participation into the conservative right-wing faction to subtly endorse racism in the 2020's. These are mostly MAGA/Trump uneducated voters or at best posses diplomas they were able to purchase from various sources of higher education like their fearless leader's dad who bought sonny boy a Wharton School sheepskin.
This replaces the buzz words of the last decade such as "triggered". For the most part these individuals don't posses the intellect to process the true meaning of these terms. It doesn't really matter, the mere use of these terms serves their purposes as a member of the aforementioned group. Here's a group who holds people like Alex Jones as their prophet.

Duh that school board is woke. Duh.

by Dr Truth PhD January 3, 2023


A term now embraced by middle-class white US citizens as a new buzz word to indicate participation into the conservative right-wing faction to subtly endorse racism in the 2020's. These are mostly MAGA/Trump uneducated voters or at best posses diplomas they were able to purchase from various sources of higher education like their fearless leader's dad who bought sonny boy a Wharton School sheepskin.
This replaces the buzz words of the last decade such as "triggered". For the most part these individuals don't posses the intellect to process the true meaning of these terms. It doesn't really matter, the mere use of these terms serves their purposes as a member of the aforementioned group. Here's a group who holds people like Alex Jones as their prophet.

Duh that school board is woke. Duh.

by Dr Truth PhD January 3, 2023