A slimy snake of an individual that exhibits cuntish behaviour. Also known as a Cunt Snake.
Oh! Look at Dave over there! That guy is such a python's cunt!
a guy who got agitated because someone wrote them a 8 paragraph love letter and happens to be in krs or any form of marching band
look at that kawad cunt flexing his mediocre muscles
Blooming Cunt, defined as a person who completely pisses you off with their stupidity. Someone who rides the imaginary short bus with drool cup in hand and their helmet fastened snugg, yet every once in a while comes up with an amazing concept. Usually said concept was done 30 years earlier. . Beggers, whiners, drunken idiots, not to be confused with a bloody Cunt, they're different animals in the same zoo.
Example, Here comes John he's such a blooming Cunt, i dk why you're his friend. He buys stuff. Oh he is a blooming Cunt. . it's so sad to see all the homeless near downtown, shut up they're just a bunch of blooming cunts. I'm not drunk, no, you're a blooming Cunt. Cunt blooming
When someone posts a screenshot showing it will rain and says, "have fun golfing", they are an ignorant cunt.
Blair is an ignorant cunt.
a typical cunt that always tries so hard to hide how much of a whore they are everyday
crystal likes to act high and mighty until she met hubba bubba jones with his 16 inch mandingo in an alley and bubba dosen't give a damn that there's cameras up his ass 24/7 at every corner every day until he goes back to jail then he goes and rapes her ass until she Pregnant Typical Cunt
to deal with a difficult situation; female version of "man up"' to overcome; how one comes through in the clutch
You can either quit and go home or you can "cunt up" and make it til closing time. Cunt up and take that shot.
Similar to baseball, when a large baseball bat size cock tries to insert in a tight pussy and it taps it because it can't fit in
My 12 thick cock had to cunt bunt this bitch because her pussy was glued shut