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Black flamingo

The best nightclub in Allen town florida by milton.

Dude that black flamingo place is the best. And the co-manager is pansexual

by Big boi willy May 30, 2020

Black index

The ratio of Black people in any movie, theater, or television production in relation to the actual demographic proportion in the United States. Colloquially known as the B.I.

The black index on this television show is so high, it belongs on BET.

by Pebacon August 5, 2023

black cold

what black people consider cold, 65° and below

J - "It's going to be 60° tomorrow!"
D - "Damn, that's black cold."

by u-J December 6, 2019

Black belt driver

Someone who has years of driving experience and has never had a car accident. Very experienced driver.

Driving a bus or semi truck makes you a double black belt driver because those take skill to drive.

Did you see how that guy avoided that car accident so quickly?! He’s totally a black belt driver!!

This blizzard is impossible to drive in, only a black belt driver can do it safely!

by Pipperoo October 14, 2017

Biggie Black

Enemy to Lil White

Biggie Black vs Lil White

by Someone who is in school September 6, 2023

The black angry bird

The act of being keegan cox

He is The Black Angry Bird he’s huge

by mcstiffins27 September 8, 2019

A Black Gun

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot and stay as they are for aslong as they live

definition of someone who is a "Black Gun"

a black gun is a person who just exists, follows orders, no thoughts no ambitions, just an organism that is alive but not living, aka someone who doesn't have major interest or hobbies, but does theyre work and job, not many people can stay being black guns in life, but those who do never fire theyre shot

person 1:Jim your such a Black Gun, why are you even here
Jim:Whatever you say

by Blaze the dragon June 22, 2024