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off your ends

You're a bit crazy.

"Did you just punch that person's tit?"


"you're off your ends, bruv"

by TdawgMillionaire July 2, 2018

To be off

To be unpleased by an event, which leaves with a certain amount of insatisfaction for the rest of your day.

I was supposed to go on a date with this amazing girl tomorrow, she cancelled because she had too much work to do. I am so off. That's probably the best definition of "to be off", since you're really excited, but get taken your fun away suddenly.

by TheJuiceBox666 December 5, 2020


A website which supplies biased information, with the purpose of promoting a left or right hidden agenda through "out-right" lies and falsehoods.

Urbandictionary.com is a Off-Right website, published with erroneous information, which is financed by people like the Coch Bros, who have a vested interest in promoting the far right agenda.

by Debwhocares August 19, 2017

gone off goat cheese

When you leave goat cheese out for too long and it goes stale.

The gone off goat cheese smells like salmonella.

by Debskelly1985 March 2, 2023


The pre 2000 way of saying "offline". it is common for Older people to still use the spelling

The Modem was off-line

by yakuzafan2005 October 22, 2020

rack off

another way to stay stop it or go away, kind of like a cleaner version of f*** off

"ur gay"

by sundayvibess June 21, 2020

Don’t bite my arm off

Don’t be overly excited to get something

Ayo I’ll do your homework but don’t bite my arm off m8!

by Harold_64 July 13, 2022