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Often referred to as an english female who is disassociated with other people's feelings/emotions. A being who's sole purpose is to instigate an uncomfortable atmosphere.
To look down upon, or negate anything remotely positive.
A Picasso of unbridled negativity.
A shit-talking Grandmaster.
A mental mind fuck.
An emotional abyss.
A steaming pile of unhinged verbal residue.
The 'toilet' of the XX chromosome society.

Man 1 - "Dude I just saw Marie in the supermarket, it stopped and started talking at me".
Man 2 - "That bitch couldn't have a meaningful conversation with a cockroach. She's such a fucking Bag".

Girl - "I can't stand that waste of air. Versace ain't got nothing on that Bag".

Man -"I can't believe she told Jenny I smoke chode. What an absolute Bag!"

by DirtyDave2.0 August 13, 2022


it is a Mahwah term, which means hook up and it’s only said by the most prestigious people of Mahwah NJ.

yeah bro i bagged her”
“i’m going to bag him”

by ur fav mahwah whore March 20, 2019


A situation or scenario that is important to the subject. To be "secured"

"Wow, going to Starbucks is a great bag"

by kippythetrout April 17, 2017


A bag. Something you place all you're things in. Not a WOMAN.

My wife will now fetch something from her magical bag.

by Iam not Elmer Fudd February 2, 2020



Oi Mate, You got any bag?

by steezy69 September 25, 2020


Putting on or wearing a condom.

"No need to bag, just lay it on me.

by Kidrockgal August 3, 2017


Sad,lonely,heart broken

“Get out your bag bro

I’m in my bag rn man”

by Tibfnm January 18, 2022