Have you ever seen Air Force 1 in camouflage? Yeah neither have we. But we have seen a Xodi One. The best in class heavy carry heavy lifting, camo wearing gentleman with a realistic view of the world, from their perspective. Did we mention the best Xodi Ones have mommy issues?
Xodi One is the best in class at crisis aversion, with a strong principle of “FOH!”
Lou was shook as Xodi One pulled up and did all the heavy lifting while everyone was sitting on their thumbs.
Two Stick One Chain Means A Nunchuck
Leonardo: Mikey wheres to two stick, one chain
Mikey: My Nunchuck
Saltiness caused by a Netflix/Hulu show only having one season. Upon binging this one season, you realize there are no more episodes to watch. You then become very salty and will likely begin to experience withdrawal.
Person A: "I didn't realize there weren't any more episodes..."
Person B: "Welcome to the land of one-season salt!"
She noticed his one-eyed-russell was rather large.
Unconditional love one has for their parents no matter what.
After everything there's still tons of love for one's parent(s).
A single note, usually the tonic of a peace that is played loudly and boldly to stay in ending. This is usually a quarter note or the note that whatever gets a beat.
I say that the one note ending is too easy to play and but it’s fun