Stick a pin in it, with a baby no one wants.
Yeah, after Cassandra’s LID BABY I just couldn’t align with her cohort.
quote by penguinz0 (MO1STCR1TIKAL) on a video about slime pooping unicorns.
ebkdoagbg baby means that a person was born into gang lige and are ebk (everybody killed)(not a gang but a mentality) doa(dumping on anything)(is a gang) and gbg (get back gang)(also not a gang but a mentality)
kay flock- we sum ebkdoagbg baby(ies)
king flocka also said pour up a six in a deuce she said who wockesha bitch thats juice
A nickname given to a female who's real first name begins with 'Al' (Allie, Allison, Alexandra, Alexandria, or Alessandra, etc.)
Al baby is kickass at cheerleading.
Yup --- cancer-sticks are once again a much-frowned-upon commodity in society, just as they were shown to have been "way back when" in da old "Virginia Slims" magazine-advertisements.
Maybe it is indeed true dat, "You've come a long way --- er --- full-circle, Baby!" as far as cigarettes' being a sign of feminine independence --- let's hope dat it can also mean dat ladies can feel "independent" of tobacco, as well.
A Furgle Baby is a majestic amazing beautiful creature that you really want to see your eyes on.
Hey do you wanna see my amazing pet?
Sure! What kinda dog is it?
Oh, a furgle baby!!
WTF KILL IS *busts a fat nut*
A "Baby's Day" is the counterpart to a "Daddy's Day" in a relationship, where the partner often referred to as "Baby" gets to take charge for an entire day. On this day, "Baby" can request whatever they want, and their partner is expected to fulfill those wishes, whether it's about activities, pampering, or intimate moments.
The purpose of a "Baby's Day" is to give the "Baby" partner a chance to be in control and have their desires prioritized. It could involve anything from choosing how to spend the day, getting special treats, or having their needs met in whatever way they prefer. Just like "Daddy's Day," the idea is to maintain a playful, consensual balance of power in the relationship.
The frequency of "Baby's Day" can vary, depending on what the couple agrees on—some might have it once a month, while others might decide to have it more often. It's a way to ensure that both partners feel valued and get to experience a day where their preferences and desires are at the forefront of the relationship dynamic.
Evan: "Noah, remember it’s Baby’s Day today!"
Noah: "Oh, right! So, what are we doing?"
Evan: "I want to stay in, order pizza, and binge-watch our favorite show."
Noah: "Sounds perfect. Anything else?"
Evan: *smiling* "And you’re giving me a foot massage during the first episode."
Noah: *laughs* "Alright, Baby, whatever you want."