Remember in the movie City Slickers when our favorite cowboy is about to find out the meaning of life but then the one with the knowledge to pass on about what the "one thing is" keels over first? That's how finding the One is. You die before you find out who it is. Or die trying! Or try not to die?
Is the One an actual thing? Are there multiple ones? Is there one for now and one for later?
Bomb Ass song by White Zombie. It is on the Escape From LA Soundtrack. Refers to Snake Plissken but never by name.
Yeah, I am the one stronger than you and every mother's son. Yeah, I am the one King of the world and the devil's son. yeah yeah
Some other motherfucker you thought you were dealing with before realizing that I am not them.
Boy, don't get started with me today. I am not the one.
The person who you know.
The person that you fall in love with.
Who you are the whole-hearted to.
The funny one.
The smart one.
The one that could always cheer you up.
Friend 1: *stares into the distance*
Friend 2: Man, she's the one.
Friend 3: Lay off boy! She's MINE.
Pee drinking, lesbian warrior ruler, Jess Flores
The One just drank a glass of pee!
The One just took over a country with his lesbian warrior army!
Basketball Position - The Point Guard Position
Magic Johnson is the best player ever to play the one