when someone is unusually stuck in your washer, that is usually said to anime step-sisters
get the fuck out of my washer, step-sis
Getting a blowjob. Usually used in the future tense, as innuendo.
I'm just gonna run down and get some 7-Up.
Mary: So where are they?
Kyle: He said they were getting 7-Up.
Mary: Oh.
When one decides to commence partying ie; drinkmode also known as party mode.
Joe:(receives dumb text at 3AM)
Jane: (8AM looks at dumb text sent on phone) Texts Joe. Hey friend, sorry about that text, the plants getting watered early last night.
Easily the loveliest phrase on the planet! *Especially* when said by 12 year old white kids that are pretending to be black!
Intelligent and flawless white man: Holla holla get dolla!
Me: O-oh! 😳
Smoke so much weed to the point of getting paranoid, after which the high is awesome!
I got some great diesel, let's get paranoid.
get otta here ................................................... that´s it
babacar:lebron james is the g.o.a.t
you:get otta here
Get A Girlfriend Day is on February 5, and on that day people that are single are forced to have a girlfriend, if they don’t get one in the up coming month of March, they will be forced to throw it back until they do it.
Boy 1: hey man today is Get A Girlfriend Day
Boy 2:oh no