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get the fuck out of my washer

when someone is unusually stuck in your washer, that is usually said to anime step-sisters

get the fuck out of my washer, step-sis

by JasPug15 February 20, 2025

Getting 7-Up

Getting a blowjob. Usually used in the future tense, as innuendo.

I'm just gonna run down and get some 7-Up.

Mary: So where are they?
Kyle: He said they were getting 7-Up.
Mary: Oh.

by Not So October 5, 2010

Plants getting watered

When one decides to commence partying ie; drinkmode also known as party mode.

Joe:(receives dumb text at 3AM)

Jane: (8AM looks at dumb text sent on phone) Texts Joe. Hey friend, sorry about that text, the plants getting watered early last night.

by misstara007 August 27, 2021

Holla holla get dolla

Easily the loveliest phrase on the planet! *Especially* when said by 12 year old white kids that are pretending to be black!

Intelligent and flawless white man: Holla holla get dolla!
Me: O-oh! 😳

by wassa matta you badabing badab July 5, 2024

let's get paranoid

Smoke so much weed to the point of getting paranoid, after which the high is awesome!

I got some great diesel, let's get paranoid.

by Coma, the Doof Warrior January 4, 2020

get otta here

get otta here ................................................... that´s it

babacar:lebron james is the g.o.a.t
you:get otta here

by poopdoopdop May 4, 2018

Get A Girlfriend Day

Get A Girlfriend Day is on February 5, and on that day people that are single are forced to have a girlfriend, if they don’t get one in the up coming month of March, they will be forced to throw it back until they do it.

Boy 1: hey man today is Get A Girlfriend Day

Boy 2:oh no

by K-9-47 January 5, 2021