An underground Instagram clothing brand owned by supposedly the same person that made the brand “No Selection”, but I think I know who.
“Yo where did you get that hoodie tee from bro? Oh, I got it from Lost Paine bro!”
Raiders of the Lost Ark: from the original name of the
fantasy-adventure film, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.
Raiders of the Lost Argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about Raiders of the Lost Ark.
"Raiders of the Lost Argh!" - says a pirate
Its a thing that I have lost many years ago
I have lost the will to live another day
The point where you have noped to such an extent that you can no longer nope.
Nope I will not read homestuck ever.
But Berry, the buckets!
You know what, I think I just lost nope.
A True Grave Digger..The VERDANSK Legend…The Astronaut… A can’t miss player with a skill set to match 😈
“Aye did you see lost Gravvity’s new stream?”
“Hell yeah dudes a beast fr”
its an expression you say when you are surprised and Shocked at the same time.
person 1 : i took your gold and sold it so i can buy a car
person 2 : Have you lost your fucking mind ! who did you ask !
Typically a fishing term
used when waiting for action and you realize that you lost your bait and no such action will occur
Can also describe a missed opportunity or lost chance
He waited for her call or any sign to show that she still cared. After a few months he realized that he lost the bait.