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lost paine

An underground Instagram clothing brand owned by supposedly the same person that made the brand “No Selection”, but I think I know who.

“Yo where did you get that hoodie tee from bro? Oh, I got it from Lost Paine bro!”

by HAHAHA1800 February 22, 2022

Raiders of the Lost Argh

Raiders of the Lost Ark: from the original name of the

fantasy-adventure film, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

Raiders of the Lost Argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about Raiders of the Lost Ark.

"Raiders of the Lost Argh!" - says a pirate

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com February 20, 2013

Lost the will to live

Its a thing that I have lost many years ago

I have lost the will to live another day

by CumSlayer March 14, 2022

lost nope

The point where you have noped to such an extent that you can no longer nope.

Nope I will not read homestuck ever.
But Berry, the buckets!
You know what, I think I just lost nope.

by Charles Morales March 18, 2014

lost gravvity

A True Grave Digger..The VERDANSK Legend…The Astronaut… A can’t miss player with a skill set to match 😈

“Aye did you see lost Gravvity’s new stream?”

“Hell yeah dudes a beast fr

by Lostgravo October 11, 2021

Have you lost your fucking mind !

its an expression you say when you are surprised and Shocked at the same time.

person 1 : i took your gold and sold it so i can buy a car

person 2 : Have you lost your fucking mind ! who did you ask !

by ghostoman August 31, 2023

lost the bait

Typically a fishing term

used when waiting for action and you realize that you lost your bait and no such action will occur

Can also describe a missed opportunity or lost chance

He waited for her call or any sign to show that she still cared. After a few months he realized that he lost the bait.

by miss-edopportunity October 13, 2013