Source Code

Oct. 10

it's October 10th. Duh! Aka national kill a cricket day. The first national kill a cricket day was Oct. 10 th 2019.

Hey dude! let's go kill some crickets!!! It's Oct. 10 th.

by Lazav (shapeshifter) October 11, 2019

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10 and 2

A band from south jersey whose name pops up in everyday life. No matter where you go there will always be something that presents these 2 numbers. You can not escape it, nor can you escape the anger that comes with realizing you've been subjected to them.

Dude 1: Excuse me, could i get a 10 and 2 5's for this.
Dude 2: Aww man are you serious? 10 and 2 I fucking hate you.

by d00fal00f July 6, 2010

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Team 10

The most gay YouTube group in the universe.And they dab like a gay person.

Jake Paul: Welcome to the Team 10 house and it's lit everyday

Me:Yeah it's lit because I've set it on fire

by Joker's girl 2 0 0 8 October 7, 2017

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10 speed

road bicycle. back in the day there didn't used to be mountain bicycles, road bicycles, fixies, 'bents no sir. There was just a bicycle. If you watch "Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure" you'll see what is typical for a bicycle decades ago. Now there were some people who had a fancy bicycle that they raced with and we called it a "10 speed" bicycle because it had so many gears. These were road bicycles.

"Are you going to a race or just K-Mart on your fancy new 10 speed?"

by bonerici June 7, 2014

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A scale of measuring whether something is good or bad, 10 being the best while Fergie being the worst.

The Fergie being referred to is the former member of the Black Eyed Peas and now solo artist

"That movie was so bad. On a scale of Fergie-10 i definitely give it a fergie"

by maxisrad August 17, 2007

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J-10 or Jian-10,
A newly produced air fighter by China--the most upgraded version of Chinese J-series. it got a appearance of combination of Su-27 and F-15, and the semilar(or maybe better)ability as them.

Many believed it is just a claiming by the official, because many chinese has saw them in expermental testing flying like 15 or more years ago, So it can only be considered as the late 3rd generation air fighter in the world. Many says the real new budy of J-series is J-11 and has already been completed, however Chinese government won't publish it until they can really equip them in major airforce.
Now Chinese Air Force has already been equipped with the new generation of Jian-10 fighter, independently designed by China. The fighter is capable of launching "precision attacks" while hedgehopping and making long-distance assaults at altitude above 10,000 metres.

- J-10 is old time stuff, like F-15 Eagle
- I heard that some mid asian countries are going to order some J-10 jets, so it must be much more cheaper than those Rusian jets, right?

by A.Gleitta February 15, 2007

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10 inch

When someone says 10 inch you have to subtract by 3inches it's still a big penis that is great for sex

You rember that really sexy guy I told you about he told me he his dick is a 10 inch

Well lucky you

by I'm so horny October 3, 2019

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