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The most annoying guy you’ll ever meet, genuinely knows so much useless garbage and expects other people to know it too. But eh he’s pretty cool sometimes

Dominic just talked to me for four hours about the economic crisis of 2008.

by Dogsrlyfe February 24, 2019

1👍 7👎


A Dominic is sometimes the kindest friend, but it never lasts. They'll usually be your friend but if they ever get angry at you, you know they'll try to turn everyone against you. They have more faces than a rubiks cube, are always negative, they always have to be right when they're always wrong and they are the most aggressive people I've ever met. And the worst thing? The bitching. About everyone. Friends, enemies, everyone, only to then play the victim. Be careful with Dominics.

I can't believe, yet again, Dominic was bitching about me.

by MBrook23 August 5, 2019

1👍 9👎


Dominic’s are short, fast, and have really bad hairlines. Dominic’s are very interesting people. Dominic’s always laugh at every single joke their crush makes. Dominic’s also have huge crushes on Brooke’s. Dominic’s favourite pizza place is Domino’s.

Girl 1: I think I like Dominic

Girl 2: Why! He’s so short!
Girl 1: Ya I know! But, I like his ugly hairline

by My mom loves me November 16, 2019

1👍 11👎


Dominic is usually is a butt. He doesn't know personally space. He loves to read. But mean

Seth: Is that dominic?
Kaleb: yes, why.
Seth: hide

by Babygirl2111 May 9, 2019

3👍 9👎


Dominic's are the fattest retards on the planet. They use their fake popularity to get away with things that they shouldn't get away with. They are widely believed to be cool, popular and fun people when in reality they are pains that destroy things and act retarded to impress people for Instagram likes.

Oh God! Here come's another Dominic!

"Another day..."
"Another Dom"

by Anti-bin chicken society June 25, 2019

1👍 11👎


One titty havin ass bitch nigga

Dominic’s tend to come with an abnormal one titty

by That one n word April 3, 2019

2👍 20👎


A person who's dominant in a relationship & is the receiving partner. Those who identify as one are commonly engaged in BDSM relationships as d-types (i.g. master, owner, daddy) with submissive partner(s). Dominant bottoms are best paired with submissive tops & may tolerate switch tops. In a 24/7 power exchange, the submissive top is their ideal.

This term can be synonymous with power bottom, based on the person's view of their identity.

A misconception of this identity is believed bottoms are submissive (psychologically) by default - stems from ignorance. No person is identical - in their preferences, identity & sexuality. Top & dominant are separate (& vice versa) - here's how. Top / bottom is the role of giving or receiving. Dominant / submissive is the role of authority or compliance. These two spectrums can be mix-matched like pizza toppings.

MARK: What am I exactly? I enjoy being his bottom & having him do things for me, yet I’m the dominant in our relationship.

JEREMY: You’re a dominant bottom, Mark - & your top is submissive. You prefer being passive, ordering him around & he enjoys complying at your discretion.

MARK: What? I never thought of that.

JEREMY: Yep. Think of it as you’re the King sitting on the throne - & he’s your servant grooming you head to toe, running errands for you.

by ITERNO_X January 27, 2022

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