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Pi Kappa Alpha

A group of SLAGs (Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen). The best fraternity in the world (we have chapters in Canada). Members of this fraternity are called PIKES!

1. That is one sharp guy, he must be in Pi Kappa Alpha.

by gasouthernpike August 31, 2005

1522๐Ÿ‘ 1636๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pi Kappa Alpha

A fraternity that roofies girls at every party because they cannot get any action without such desperate measures.

Melissa: Hey wanna go to the Pi Kappa Alpha party tonight??
Alexis: NO! I do not want to get date raped tonight. Those guys are creeps.

by Not a Pike January 14, 2013

680๐Ÿ‘ 711๐Ÿ‘Ž

sigma alpha hairsalon

Another name for the douchebags at Pitt from SAE that take more time to do their hair than the Easy DeeZees

Dude you look like you got a haircut at Puccinni's...Yea I did I'm tryin to rush Sigma Alpha Hairsalon

by University of Pittsburgh September 19, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Sigma

Sigma Alpha Sigma is the best extracurricular organization for high schools designed to foster leadership skills among students who will promote academic excellence within the student body of a school. Sigma is also one of the coolest things to be apart of anywhere now that it is NATIONAL!!

Guy not in Sigma Alpha Sigma: Dude, what is sigma?? That looks like one of the coolest organizations I have ever seen!

Guy in Sigma Alpha Sigma: Bro, it IS that coolest organization you have ever seen, wanna join?

Guy no in Sigma Alpha Sigma: HECK YES!!!

by Rubrassackwards December 19, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Tau Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha is a women's fraternity founded in 1898. They have been ranked as #1 in the nation as best sorority for years including 2013. They have raised millions of dollars for their philanthropy, breast cancer educations and awareness and have made an amazing impact with their Think Pink Campaign. Zeta's are the kinds of girls who have everything going for them. They are smart, friendly, classy, well minded and have a strong passion for their philanthropy and the community around them.

A Zeta is the kind of girl that everyone wants to be. Their symbol is the crown and have known to the 'Queen of the Greeks" and their open motto is "Love, the greatest of all things". They are known to be the most beautiful at their universities and held to an extremely high standard while having an amazing voice in Greek Life. They are stereotyped as being wealthy, gorgeous, country club girls who are sweet but snappy.

Sure, Fraternity boys may go for the easy sorority to have a fun Friday night, although we all know who they will be crawling to for date to their formals and weekends.

What can they say? They have been accepting the only royalty since 1898 and only the best will be crowned.

Its not easy wearing the crown, Rush Zeta Tau Alpha or bow down.

by ZTACrowningTheBest December 31, 2014

105๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alf-alpha male

1. Leader of a pack of geeks, misfits, or rejects

2. Meek,nerdy,or geeky male showing false bravado or empty machismo.

1.Mikey is obviously the alf-alpha male of the goonies.

2. I love playing video games with mike, until he starts winning and goes all alf-alpha male on me.

by Geffelz January 22, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Gamma Delta

Always goes down, the kind of sorority girl you want to meet

Wow that agd girl swallowed that cock whole.

by Girlwholovescock March 19, 2005

497๐Ÿ‘ 541๐Ÿ‘Ž