Used to describe someone who is fucking the coolest hip hop dude in the century ex. Cheatachu
Cheatachu is lacking awesome
Good friend, great person, caring, giving, will help if possible, and if unable to, will apologize for not being able to.
Completely awesome!
Frosted awesome is, at the same time, exceedingly cool and extremely awesome.
Frosted awesome is far better than something typically referred to as awesome. Similarly, cake by itself is good, but cake with frosting is very, very good.
It's preferable to saying epic.
My mentor has given me lots of great ideas to help my business. He has also helped me develop some of my own ideas. He is frosted awesome.
At the baseball game, the home team was behind by 1 in the bottom of the 9th inning, but then won the game by 3 runs with a frosted awesome grand slam!
That's a frosted awesome car!
The magic elixir squirted from a male into a female during intercourse which provides the female with several desired side effects/feelings, e.g. love, pleasure, elation, relaxation, happiness, fulfillment, etc.
When Jilsy receives Mikey's awesome juice, she becomes happy and satisfied, and often times she is ready for a good night's sleep.
The defenition of a awesome person is Harisa
You are the defenition of a awesome person, aka Harisa.
Its a step above pimpin', and two steps above awesome. Used when something is even more awesome than just everyday pimpin'.
Tim: where did you get that awesome fedora?
Guy with hat: I dunno, why?
Tim: just cuz its pimpin'... no its pimp awesome.
Guy with hat: i feel ya broski. That explains why the ladies cant keep their hands off me.
Tim: fo shizzle
Some amazing head or the best head you ever had.
She just gave me some awesome jawsom