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Blind Woman's Stick

A dildo, vibrator or other phallic object used for penetration.

I went to the sex shop and bought a new blind woman's stick with the money I got from Grandma for Christmas.

by Lynn Newport December 15, 2010

Male Pattern Blindness

When a man will search for hours to find something that is laying out in the open on a table. Items are often easily found by a women.

Man: "I have been searching for hours for keys."
Woman: "You mean the ones sitting there on the coffee table?"
Man: "Where?"
Woman: "Right there in the middle of that table."
Man: "oh, must have been Male Pattern Blindness"

by diablo581 February 10, 2008

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Third-Eye Blind

Slang for when a man is pursuing-dating others strictly for the physical aspects and not being consciously aware of the reality of the situation. A man who thinks with the little head and not the big one.

Its Tom & Sarah's one year anniversary tomorrow. Who would've thought they would've lasted that long? Only reasoning that I could possibly have is that Tom is severely third-eye blind.

by TheBigCanucklehead March 12, 2015

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Flying Blind Burrito

The act of:

First ejaculating on a girl's (or guy's if you swing that way) eyes so she then becomes blind,

Then rolling her up in a white blanket making her appear as if she was a burrito, and then

Lastly shoving her out of a window making her appear as a (poorly) flying blind burrito

Weird Guy: Dude! I like totally flying-blind-burritoed that girl last night.

Dude: What the crap is a flying blind burrito anyway?

by Markus E_bear April 7, 2010

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Blind Ass Bitch

A squinty little hoe; also known as a BAB

God stop squinting and open your eyes YA BLIND ASS BITCH

by kpizzleswag February 20, 2019

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big blind special

In poker, a shitty hand you play in the big blind because nobody raised beforehand, and you can see the flop for free. Also known simply as a "blind special", since the small blind can usually limp in at a cheap price.

Player A: "You fucking made a full house with ten-deuce? Who are you, Doyle Brunson?"

Player B: "Nah man, I had the big blind special."

by Juuuergen July 7, 2012

the blind leading the lost

A more sensible version of "the blind leading the blind"

Hammer: "Swanny and George are drunk as fuck, they have no idea what's going on"

Phaz: "I know bro, it's like The Blind Leading The Lost..."

by PhazMan November 5, 2013