Combative martial art created for, but not limited to, general self-defence. Created by masters of war Smith-Man and Gag-Man
Sag Chi is stern, stern but fair.
A shortform for Chinese girl which is used as a username.
Did you see Chi girl's profile picture?
Whippets (nitrous oxide) and blow (cocaine) done in unison
Chi O Specials are the best drug combo ever
When your names Harry Clarke and you see a vulnerable animal. (preferably a dog) Then you receive a no reason boner.
“dog walks in bathroom” say dumb chi
A variation of hard dance music that uses elements of psytrance and hardstyle, otherwise known as psystyle. Doesn't originate from Chicago.
Did you hear her set last night? That Chi Style was bangin'!
A cute girl that is always looking for something noiceeee.
Do you see Khanh Chi ?
She is on cloud nine (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
When you activate your chi powers after eating five bowls of chilli
After finishing dinner, Goku had to go fight a bad guy, be he ended up experiencing chi-lli.