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block captain

The neighborhood snitch.
in other words:
A person that watches everything that happens on the block or in the hood. Usually the first person to call the police

Person a: Aye mane, that old lady always lookin out the window.
Person b: Mane, that's the block captain round here, she called the police on Eric cuz she think she saw him slangin on the front porch.

by cfromstl June 28, 2006

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Captain Unicorn

1. The best damn advice giver in the universe on strangecrap.com
Function: Czar of Information, Black Market Baby Broker, Bringer of Light, Guinness Drinker
Hobbies: Drinking Beer, Fighting Crime, Commiting Crimes, Burning Things, Making RED Paint
Favorite Color: White Noise

That Captain Unicorn told me to go kill myself for being so goddamn stupid. He's smart.

by Bud E Love May 14, 2003

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Captain Tourettes

A term referring to a person who uses profanity or repetitive phrases so regularly, it appears they have tourettes.

John swore so often, we nicknamed him Captain Tourettes.

by uber great August 21, 2007

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A middle aged man sitting in your back yard with a sleevless shirt, hair on shoulders, sunbathing the guns.

Beau: Dude drive by Franks house "The Captain" is out sunbathing again.
John: Captain No Sleeves at it again.

by I stole this shirt from Frank December 22, 2010

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Captain Correcto

Someone who is constantly correcting others. Specifically, Jason from the Walk of Shame Morning Show.

Captain Correcto! (dum-da-dummm)
Thanks a lot, Captain Correcto.

by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004

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Captain Forehead

Guy with a giant forehead.

holy fuck thats a giant forehead.You should be called captain forehead because you could land a plane on it.

by mrkic May 25, 2009

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Captain Shitty

1. Anyone who gets overly intoxicated rapidly and winds up laying on the floor puking on the carpet before anyone else is even buzzed.

2. An Appalachian folk hero who's spirit hides in bottles of cheap whiskey waiting to possess anyone who consumes the liquor. Possession by Captain Shitty can be spotted by looking for the symptoms: heavy intoxication, singing off beat to the music, laying on the ground, excessive vomiting, loud voice, basic and outrageous shenanigans, and the use of the phrases "I'm not drunk," and "I love you guys", often mashed into one loud slurred sentence.

3. Your friends cousin who gets extremely fucked up on his first ever acid hit and a massive amount of shitty vodka at one of your acid parties and pukes all over the place and sends you into a bad trip since your contemplating a possible emergency situation on acid.

#1: I'mnotdrunkIloveyouguys!- pukes - Woooooo!
#2: Dude, shut the fuck up.
#1: That girls got a sweet ass. Like to. Fuck her. HEY!
#3: That's my girlfriend. You need to shut the fuck up.
#2: Fuckin' kids turned into Captain Shitty, don't listen to him.

by StonedRoxy January 2, 2012

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