Is a super super Kawaii af Idol boiiiiii. he has the power to make beutifull idol poses and if he touch anithing its becomes kawaiii. At the moment he is a lone wolf (cool right?) But is going to do a duo with flo in the near future
Person 1: do you know alvaro chan?
Person 2: ofc he is so kawaii
Alvaro chan: _kawaii idol pose_
Person 1 and 2 : kyaaaaaa
Is a superkawai af Idol boiiiiii. He is known to make super kawai poses and anithing he touch becomes kawai. In the past he was a lone wolf idol, but its going to make a dúo with flake chan.
Person 1: hey, do you know alvaro chan?
Person 2: ofc he is so kawai
Alvaro chan: * kawai idol pose
Person 1 and 2: kyaaaaaaaa
Kogarana means small, tiny or more accurately petite, may be used to describe the height of a man (or length of his privates). Word signifying how big brained, small bodied, buff maided one's friend is.
Remi is a kogarana-chan, he is small from top to bottom.
The hole was too small, so we got our kogarana-chan friend to go through it
The best gamer in the destiny 2 raid team.
That dude is such a stawwy-chan he never dies.
Corona chan is the embodiment of the coronavirus in the form of a hot anime girl
Jackie Chan is someone who does Kung Fu, likes pandas and is really cool. He touches grass a lot, does the W, is not cringe.
Get yourself a Jackie Chan Bot.
''I just pulled a push door''
The master of the world who can beat justin with 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1 percent of his power. He is the greatest and will never be deafeated.
Jackie Chan is a God