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chocolate fever

When a man obsessed by the chocolate women enters the stages of fever.
Particularly common amongst big hairy Swedes.
See also angus, angry angus, booka, chat, cubano

Angus the Bavarian saw a hot black girl in Spearmints from the corner of his eye.
Immediately he jumped from his seat, pulled his wallet from his pocket, grabbed her and her chocolate sister and gave them copious amounts of money to disrobe in his presence. Whilst smoking a cubano.
The chocolate fever had set in.

by boohog June 8, 2004

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chocolate sombrero

Standing over a girls head and leaving a hot steaming turd on the top of her head after she finished giving you oral sex while on her knees.

Your mom was on her knees giving a sick bj and once I nutted, I stood over her and left her the gift of a chocolate sombrero.

by SuperSancho007 December 9, 2013

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Chocolate Mousse

The character 'Chocolate Mousse' was a sensitive yet mucho black French mercenary in the 80's comedy film "Top Secret". Chocolate Mousse was often seen smoking a cigar and carrying large, inappropriate ordinance around in the film such as an 18th century ship cannon or a large oversized machine gun. In the 21st Century, Chocolate Mousse has become a cliche on internet websites such as fark and many people photoshop the character into stills from other films where he doesn't belong.

Brian was a tosser but he thought he was Chocolate Mousse around the ladies.

by Maya Lightwave October 11, 2005

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Chocolate Merlin

Noun; While having sex doggystyle, a male takes a massive dump into his own hand, then smears it across the face of his partner. This results in a choco-tastic beard much like the famous magician. The casting of spells after the act has been performed is optional.

Sandy broke up with me because I wouldn't give her a Chocolate Merlin.

by StMirhza September 15, 2007

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chocolate zoro

When a guy puts his balls in chololate and then puts them on a girls eyes makeing it look like Zoro's mask, in chocolate!

boy: "let me give you a chocolate zoro"
girl: "no!"
boy: "i'll be gentle I promise, just a plop, press, release...."
girl: "whatever"

by chelcie ann April 29, 2007

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chocolate cow

Cows that produce chocolate milk.

Q: Where does chocolate milk from?
A: Its comes from chocolate cows, motherfucker!

by Dizzla May 29, 2008

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chocolate spider

Another name for asshole

"Peter mooned everyone, and we saw his chocolate spider."

by myopia September 17, 2009

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