Cum into a tray of ice cube molds. Wait for these to freeze and mash them. Shape into a snow cone and enjoy the frozen treat. Or use as snowballs.
Man, my girl was begging for a organic snow cone yesterday.
Women who seek out sexy male road construction workers, love the smell of fresh asphalt and the color high visibility yellow.
That cone cricket out there at it again trying to hook up with dozer operator.
Swirl cone Tuesday is when the girl shows up for her foot rub in striped leggings. That's basically the green light for fckn
I was gonna rub her feet, but she went all swirl cone tuesday on me in those striped leggings?
u vomit and shit in a traffic cone then put it on a unsuspecting bold person
I gave Somone a Philly traffic cone yesterday they never expected it
someone that is a retard ass nigga
someone asks what time it is when they have there phone with them. " bro you're such a head cone"