Players gather around a controller and whi ever nuts last has to play with it for 8 hours.
I lost in soggy controller and the buttons were sticky!
The problem with these types of people is that ignore the fact that there are 9 billion extrenal loci of control either working with or against you are all times.
Hym "Internal locus of control or no, it isn't incumbent on me to exist alongside a surveillance apparatus just so that you can feel better about the fact that there is nothing you can do to stop me from murdering your kids. You don't feel that you have to intervene, but you only have 2 options. I'm just not going to allow you to get away with it. I will punish non-intervention. Every day that passes makes the only recourse you have less effective. If you want to hold someone accountable, do it to the people who's job it is to do what you aren't willing to do. Otherwise, go fuck yourself retard. If you wait until you're on the other side of it, it will be to late. If you see what is happening to me, you will have just as much recourse as I do."
This is when you are in the sexual intercourse and the male figure takes his controller and proceeds to use it as a dildo for both partners. After sex, he uses the same controller to play Minecraft for one hour before sucking on it again.
Oh baby, wanna try a dirty controller?
When you take an Xbox one controller, turn on a game to full vibration, and then hold it to a girls clit until they cum.
James: bro I gave my girl a Dirty Controller last night
Jax: what's that
James: one hell of a video game
Getting rid of dry/non responding texters
Bro I need some Cricket control this girl isn’t texting back
When someone, or some party, attempts to use the concept of guilt (not necessarily actual guilt) in order to manipulate a person or people, into doing something that would be against their best interest. It's a tactic of manipulation that does not require actual guilt, just the presumption of guilt. Usage of the term asserts against the rhetorical trap of implied guilt, by summarily denying the implied guilt and exposing the guilt as an intended form of control.
party a: 10 years ago you got into that accident, and I know you say it wasn't your fault, but it's probably in our best interest if we never let you drive again.
party b: Your attempts at guilt-control are obvious, so please stop.
usually refers to the buff man, the one who cleans up or paints over graffiti. the cloud is the background onto which the graffiti is painted, and when painted out, the guy erasing or covering the graffiti is exercising control of the cloud
Cloud control painted out or capped my piece.