Source Code

Daisy Wow

Daisy wow is an expression used to describe something interesting. Only to be used by SKIBITY rizzlers who are alphas.

Daisy Wow!

by January 24, 2025

Daisy Standard Time

when you tell someone who’s always late the wrong meeting time so they actually get there on time
like if soundcheck is at 4, you’d tell them that it was actually at 3 so they wouldnt miss it

rod: soundchecks at 3
daisy: hey i know about daisy standard time!

by morefuntomiss March 25, 2023

Tianna vs Daisy

A Everlasting girl

That's so Tianna vs Daisy.

by Exhaling November 21, 2021

Tianna vs Daisy

A stupid girl who always get a apprehensive smirk and the hopeful eyes on her face (Quite confusing tho)

Move on, be strong. Tianna vs Daisy

by Exhaling October 4, 2021


A really cool TikToker who makes epic content.

@daisy....._cat is a cool person lol

by Foxpelt_Makes_Words August 4, 2021

crown of daisies

stoned:- the proverbial crown worn when in the happy/relaxed state of a high.
i.e. if you are stoned you are wearing a crown of daisies or daisy crown.

1)that dude is soo high!! you can practically SEE his crown of daisies!
2)my daisy crown is starting to fade man.

by heath_lord January 27, 2007

Daisy Effect

The categorization of a female in which she has a hot body but fucked face. Similar to "shrimp", often used as a code word between the boiz.

Man that chicks good from far, but far from good
mate.. just call it the daisy effect

by Anonononomom July 26, 2011