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Dead flies

It’s a slang in Florida they use it as a term as in like if your going to make a play then it’s cancelled then you can use the term that’s dead flies

Chapo: lets go to the sk8city

Karee:that’s dead flies kuh it ain’t no hoes up there

by September 8, 2020

11👍 2👎

Dead inside


Hi I'm emo and dead inside

by Jellybean.P. January 11, 2020

8👍 1👎

Brain dead

1. Someone who doesn’t catch on even to the simplest things.
2. Some one with no fucking brain

Bro Jennifer is so brain dead, she didn’t even catch on to my knock knock joke

by Lithium strikes again February 16, 2018

8👍 1👎

A Dead Horse

An amateur bowling team from the New Founders League at Double Decker Lanes in Rohnert Park, California. They didn't really do that well in their first season (Winter 2010)

Man: "Hi Rose, How did your team do in league last night?"

Rose: "We beat A Dead Horse... again."

by curly666 April 15, 2011

8👍 1👎

dead fetus

A noticeably protruding pooch on a chick while the rest of her body is somewhat normally built.

That chick was cute but she really needs to get rid of that dead fetus.

by therock123 July 27, 2009

8👍 1👎

dead ass

dead ass can be use in a sentence or as a question. When some one said dead ass that mean their serious or they are asking a question to making sure that they some one is telling the truth

1.are you dead ass?

2. dead ass i'm not playing

by Sierra ._. May 5, 2019

7👍 1👎

Dead Presidents

American Money

watch them dead presidents stack up to the roof

by AC December 1, 2003

89👍 40👎