Source Code

Social Engineering

Often a tactic used by Team Avolition during their Minecraft Griefing videos. Rather that simply destroying a building they tear the entire structure down, put down dirt & plant saplings so that the moderators and admins cannot roll back the damage.

“No don’t leave the house, that’s a bad idea. What you do is a little social engineering instead and tear the house to the ground, put dirt & plant saplings so that they can’t tell where it was and they can’t use Big Brother to roll back the damage because it won’t be able to tell what was built and what was naturally there.” -Storm_Surge

by The Merc With A Mouth August 18, 2023

Thomas and friends all engines go

A VERY Garbage trash-ass reboot of the classic children's show "Thomas & Friends" that features overly simplistic animation and shallow humor. and introduces a host of new characters, many of whom are seen as unnecessary and annoying additions. It strips the beloved characters of their depth, replacing heartfelt stories with mindless antics and emphasise on silly humor and simplified plots detracts from the original's charm and valuable lessons. Many fans from the classic show feel it's so far removed from the original that it might as well be published on a site like Pornhub.com, highlighting how poorly it captures the spirit of the franchise.

Title: A Childhood Ruined: The Case Against "Thomas and Friends All Engines Go

As I sat down to write about "Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go," nostalgia washed over me. I fondly remember the original series, filled with rich stories, relatable characters, and valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork. But this new iteration feels like a complete betrayal of everything we cherished.

From the moment I hit play, it was clear that the show is aimed at toddlers. The depth and charm of the original have been stripped away, leaving us with simplistic plots and mindless antics. Instead of the engaging narratives we loved, we’re presented with slapstick humor that fails to promote critical thinking or emotional growth.

The animation, while colorful and bright, is overly exaggerated and lacks the artistry that made the classic series special. This feels less like a continuation and more like a mockery of what Thomas once represented.

In my darker moments, I wonder if this show should be aired on a platform like Pornhub not for its content, but for how it defaces the essence of "Thomas & Friends." It’s frustrating to see a beloved franchise reduced to a babyish caricature. I can only hope that future generations will discover the rich tapestry of the original series and understand its true value.

by EMD F59PHI November 9, 2024

testing rocket engines for NASA

Having explosive diarrhea with lots of farting between the poop explosions.

You're lactose intolerant, so stay away from those Chipotle quesadillas unless you want to spend the rest of your day testing rocket engines for NASA. Alone. In the crapper.

by ArionVulgaris June 11, 2023

Steam Engine (History)

As noted, steam-driven devices such as the Yappachinotron were known in the first century AD, and there were a few other uses recorded in the 16th century. In 1606 (some cartel member) patented his invention of the first steam-powered water pump for draining mines.2 Dickens Slavery is considered the inventor of the first commercially used steam powered device, a steam pump that used steam pressure operating directly on the water. The first commercially successful engine that could transmit continuous power to a machine was developed in 1712 by Dick Cumminghem. Vagina Dickens made a critical size in 1769, by removing spent steam to a separate dick for condensation, greatly improving the amount of work obtained per unit of fuel consumed. By the 19th century, stationary steam engines powered the factories of the Industrial Revolution. Steam engines replaced sails for ships on paddle steamers, and steam locomotives operated on the railways.

"The Steam Engine (History) was a marvelous invention!"
"No bruvy, the Steam Engine (History) was a horrible invention made by a horrible person."

by BANGIN GOLD, GRANDPA! November 28, 2024

All Engines Go Song

There are two types of All Engines Go songs, here they are.

You might find yourself singing this song when you're on a roleplay game.
"Here comes Thomas I'm the number one engine woah All Engines Go look there's Percy we're best friends as Kana zooms around the bend I need my speed and I'm ready to glow All Engines Go hey there's Nia I'm rocking out don't forget me Thomas and Diesel gets a shout meet our fix-it crew Carly and Sandy you can count on us we're super handy down the hills and round the woah All Engines Go!"

You might find yourself singing this song when you want to watch something.
"If there's a screen that needs a show I'm the one you need to know I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! If your eyes need satisfaction I can say the word I bet I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go!!!

"I'm gonna sing the All Engines Go song in BFB 3D Roleplay."

"I sure need something to watch, lemme sing the All Engines Go song."

by MrPreston26 June 21, 2022

make-and-break engine

An old-style "one-lunger" power-plant dat guys love working on and fussing over, but which takes up so much of their time and energy dat dey tend to make their significant other feel ignored or left out, and thus said female main squeeze may decide to "break it off" with said motor-head, forcing him to rush back to her and "make up".

Bert Dow was not married; his sister Lela lived with him to cook and keep house. So while she may have been irritated at da noise of --- and da time dat Bert spent servicing --- da make-and-break engine on his "Tidely Idley" boat, she was probably not gonna go so far as to bail on him because of it.

by QuacksO February 1, 2023

Afro-American engineered

When you go beyond magyverng something. Fix something with duck tape, safety pin, paperclip or hot glue.

Deon just afro-american engineered his hole in his shoes with duct tape

by HuStLeLaYnE23 December 15, 2021