Food that is eaten when the feels are high or low, the actual food involved in "eating your feelings". Typically consumed when sad, angry, or frustrated, but can be involved with any high level of emotion.
Feels food is usually junk food, like chips, ice cream, candy, or soda, but can be any stress reliving food, especially crunchy or sweet things.
Upset by her recent break-up, Mandy raided the fridge and the cabinets for feels food.
An extra bit of an ingredient used for a recipe or a botched first attempt at said recipe consumed during the making of a meal.
Usually a bit of meat left over or made extra to snack on whilst cooking.
Used heavily & created by British YouTube star Jamie Spafford and other members of SORTEDFOOD.
1.)“I made some snacking bacon while I wait for my eggs to cook”
2.)“The first pancake always turns out to be rubbish- we can’t serve that”
“This pancake is now Snacking food!”
An individual who unnecessarily chooses the peculiar over tradition; with the peculiar not actually being any tastier.
Food ponce's select strange sandwiches and meals solely in the pursuit of attention from other food ponce's.
Alec: "I insist on having rocket in my sandwich. Iceberg lettuce is so plebeian!"
Adam: "Steve, are you eating your refs with chopsticks?
Steve: "Of course. It's Chinese food."
Adam: "You fucking food ponce."
Food that is better to eat walking while you are high.
Walking Food such as Sour Punch Straws
food so good make you wanna kill yourself
the foods so good you’ll wanna commit food suicide
Food that a NEET (unemployed, and not seeking employment, or education) would eat.
Neet: hey! Pass the chicken tendies! You: oh! You mean the NEET food?
Plant food Is a substance used to get high or grow plants quicker commonly known as Pauline
Do you want to get some Pauline tonight?(plant food)