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Real Gangsta Hours

Picture this; *Its 8:30 pm on a Sunday night, you and you're homie are chilling on rust listen to those sweet sweet gangsta tunes and you already no what mutha hecken time it is* "All the gangstas take the floor as we step on stage all the ladies ask for more" - 213 Crew

"Yo loopy2247!" says AUcairns "yeah whats cooking my mutha hecking homie from the south?" exclaims loopy2247 "Is it Real Gangsta hours?" says AUcairns louder than before, "Yeah I think it mutha hecken is!" *AUcairns gets music bot to play Keepin It Gangsta by Fabulous in the 'Chill Gangstas' section of the Snag Boys discord server* "It's Real Gangsta Hours!" exclaim loopy2247 and AUcairns together

by Coochie Snagger October 28, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Satanic gangsta rap

A type of music that is a mixture of gangsta rap and porn music.

Do you like satanic gangsta rap?

by Deep blue 2012 October 23, 2009

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Gangsta fever

To Say fuck your companion or partner; To cheat with multiple partners; to want to participate in hoeish ways or activities.

Man I don’t want to be with this girl/boy I just want to do you me I’m having gangsta fever.

by Hood slang February 6, 2020

3πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Pimp Trick Gangsta Click

Just like above but it was from the CD "Aquemini" not ATLiens

Lemme return this Pimp Trick Gangsta Click album

What's wrong with it?

It don't play right

by DJ$TJ May 24, 2008

44πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta

The most memorable song from Office Space, and a good example of when rap can actually be good.

Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta has a kicking awesome beat that I like to get down to when I am chilling with all my niggers at the country club.

by God December 12, 2004

165πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Real Gangsta in da House

Some anonymous fellow that posts random things about music, and leaves many wondering whether or not he is being sarcastic.
All of his definitions are negatively reviewed, which either means no one sees him for a joke, or I'm reading too deeply into this all. Real Gangsta constantly references how he works at McDonalds. Then again he seems to make very fictitious comments saying that Ja Rule is better than any Rock.
This critter needs to be carefully watched, so as we can decide what he is; A Death Metal, Classical, Classic Rock loving guy, or a pseudo-intellectual, homophobic, religion spiting, heritic hypocrite.

Our Poet Gloriet, Real Gangsta In Da House, On Jazz:
"This is how every jazz song sounds like "KEEP ROLLIN', ROLLIN', ROLLIN', ROLLIN'" That isn't music! That is crap! Go get some Ja Rule you old pensioners."

...On Classical:
"Classical music has no true emotion behind it. True lyricists like Nelly speak from the heart. Classical doesn't have any lyrics so you don't know what they were thinking when they wrote that filth."

... On Classic Rock:
"f you listen to the music carefully, you'll notice, yes it is true, NONE of it is computer generated. It's all guitar crap! Who wants to hear a Satan worshipping drug addict scream about 'I WANT MA DRUGGGSSSS, GIMMMEEEE MYYY DRRUGGGSSS!'"

... and finally on Gangter Rap:
"As every intelligented person knows, msuic MUST consist of the following things
1: Lyrics (Classical has none)
2: A beat (Jazz has non)
3: Computer generated sounds (Rock has none)
If you're not a townie and don't listen to Gangsta rap, that means you are a emo which means you must be beaten up and killed for being a miserable bastard.
Straight G fo life nigga!"

Sarcasm or sinisterly serious? You decide...

by Fierce Grape July 14, 2006

76πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A very serious, irritating, mental disorder in which a person not only speaks impaired english, but types and writes it as well.

Occurs most commonly in 14-19 year old African American males commenting on "Fat Joe" videos on Youtube.

("Fat Joe-What's Love" Youtube comments)

zac4lyfxx: i luv diz song
but do u relli no wat love iz
cuz der iz ppl i luv and dey dnt no
or do dey?

deedeeXD34: Huh?

MartinVice08: Just ignore him, he's got Frantic-gangsta-typing-syndrome.

deedeeXD34: omfg...im sooooo sry...

by What else is on? September 8, 2008

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž