There are 2
Man & Woman
you're welcome
guy1: "I think I want my gender to be a frog"
guy2: "F*ck off, you're not my friend anymore"
the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
"He's a Generation Alpha. Anything from 2010 until now."
"What's next?"
"Generation Der. Like gender."
Either the two sexes, male or female.
The struggle for gender equality, etc.
A disgusting creation by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms. Occasionally takes form as toxic masculinity or femininity. Can be harnessed and used positively though!
"Jen rejected her assigned gender, and now presents as her real self."
"Gender is boring."
The 1999 version of Leopika from the hit series Hunter x Hunter
Person 1: Leopika from the 1999 version of Hunter x Hunter are superior to everything
Person 2: Yeah, they're so gender