Being happy with one self.
When I acomplished my goal, that gave me self-happiness.
When someone posts excessively on Instagram and we all perceive them as happy. When in reality, said person is dying inside and begging for attention
Person 1: Did you see all the pictures Kim put on Instagram?
Person 2: Oh my god yeah. she looked so happy
Person 3: Yeah but she's probably just instagram happy
The sound made when one goes down quickly and repeatedly on the male member....when trying to please and breathe in quick sucksession....
She was going down on him so fast and trying to breathe at the same time, that she sounded like a happy indian.....
Some one who sucks the fun out of everything when your havin a great time
You: omg that was great
Friend: so. Tottally need to do it again
You: it wasn't that great
Friend: your such a happy sponge you suck the fun out of everything
When someone types on more than one line while instant messaging by pressing enter a lot.
Person: hi
Person: how
Person: are
Person: you
Person: doing
Person: lol
Person2: You're getting a little enter happy on me right now
when something amazing happens, and you take a nice deep smiley breath in
i just had a happy breath