A torture method that teachers use to mentally burn you from inside out after you've wasted over 99,999999% of your energy at school. Some teachers are reasonable and give you doable amounts of homework but you have this dickass teachers who give you so much that you actually want to kill yourself after hearing it.
Mrs. Depression: Okay kids, because you worked well this class you will get 15 trillion pages of Math homework.
Me: Shove it up your fucking ass b1tch
Mrs. Depression: *dies*
a complete fucking waste of time likes you're gonna learn it at school right. so just do it in class
Right now im in science . NO CAP.
Homework is work from school that you take home to do
It's the thing that teachers give you just to fuck with you, that's it
I burned my homework, and that absolute softie of a teacher called the police on me
After hours of sitting in a chair with idiots around you,these teachers want you to torture you even more!If you do this as a teacher then you should get fired and work at a torture house
useless shit given by teachers with countless pages to work, takes all of your fucking grade and only a fucking nanosecond to finish it , they say its to make u smarter, but its actually torture and waste of time, unless in the good old times, where homework was only given if the class wasn't behaving.
theres 20 students in this class...
Teacher: we have homework! page 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 and 140!
Student: thats alot! how the ##&$@ you expect to everyone finish all of that!
Everyone execept the teacher: yea!
Teacher: what do you mean its only one page!
Everyone execept the teacher: "only one page" ahem, ITS LITERALLY 11 PAGES TO DO! ARE YOU **$#%&*#¨BLIND?
Teacher: if i was blind then how would i teach?
5 Students: this feels like prison! im switching schools!
other 5 students: yea same! i'd rather enjoy my days without school while my parents find another school!
1 student: have you heard about that one school in the netherlands?
all the students execept the one who said about the school in the netherlands: yea?
the student who said about the school in the netherlands: theres one school that doesnt give homework, tests and they become smarter than ever!
EVERY STUDENT ELSE: HOLY SHIT! sign me up in going in that school!
Teacher: Hey class! stop with the excessive swearing!
E V E R Y S T U D E N T I N T H E C L A S S: ratio + didn't ask + L + Hold this L + unfunny + the netherlands school better + annoying + im going to the netherlands + fuck you
An fucking waste of papers that contains painful studies that you just end up at forgetting all of those learned studies youve did that teachers give youa type of fucking unusual desubstantial horseshit you almost do everyday just to waste time because you forget the point of studying.
me: *being forced to do homework to waste my time*