Jayden’s are the cutest kitty ever. Jayden’s have cute baby cheeks and the cutest smile.
The worst thing about Jayden’s is that they’ll ignore you for silly games like Fortnite. I’ll show Jayden’s some Fortnite in real life if they continue to ignore someone for that stupid ass game. Some Jayden’s also have a nice booty just to smack. So plump and juicy I could eat it.
A very nice and sexy young man with a BIG BLACK COCK
Jayden fucked the girl his BBC so hard she called the cops:}
A boy who like NBA Youngy waaaaay to much
Jayden bro
Jayden is beautiful anD hAs a massive hearT, jaydEn is exceptionally gifted in Many ways. jaydEn is rich and awesome!
Jayden is perfect
Jaydens have the most gorgeous brown eyes and every girl loves Jayden he has a huge smile and is always smiling he loves to save money and sometimes tends to get angry but at the end of the day he has the best heart
I love Jayden
jayden is very loud and crazy. although at times he can be sweet, but low key sneaky as fuck. doesn’t do to well at school, because he has a hard time listening. he swears a lot, even around his parents especially when he gets yelled at.
“ look who it is.... jayden ! “