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my friend jim

A Fictional friend of Donald Trump. Donald Trump repeats ridiculous things that supposedly were said by "Jim" in order to make his followers believe he actually has a friend and to make it seem like his ridiculous ideas are shared by others.

My friend Jim always says that if your not colluding with Russia, then you are not "really" trying to win.

by Dredpirate64 July 13, 2017

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Jim Hendersons Assistant

Is a complete and utter Muppet.

Mark is so dumb I tell you he freelances as Jim Hendersons assistant.

by Jim Smith1985 December 15, 2009

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jim quigley

the sexiest mother fucker and the nicest piece of ass. but jim quigleys have the smalles cock in the world going largest up to 1 inch.

damn his dick looks like a jim quigley

by jiggaboo radley February 12, 2009

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Racoon Shoulder Jim

A guy u see in walmart that wears dead pelts, perferably a "coon", that talks in a scratchy voice asking workers for help due to fact he's a giant hilbilly and need help wit technology


lol good times

by Dylan Pags June 5, 2007

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jim crow punch

The proper way to punch a black person, usually as a punishment for drinking out of the white fountains, or shitting in the white bathrooms

Jim- What is that Nigger doing in my restaurant?
Bobby Joe- I don't know Jim, but give his black ass the Jim Crow Punch and shoo is ass out, make sure you dont get bit though, you might get AIDS!!!

by Billy Ray Ju March 27, 2008

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jim crow rifle

a gun that is often used in the execution of tiger-riding yard stompers around the world.

hey Jolene and Leonard, i'm headed over to Uganda to try out my new jim crow rifle! Want to join and get a good laugh?

by shadowsmurfer March 18, 2008

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Jim Raynor Law

A law written a Jim Raynor notepad (comes with the purchase of SC2), if it is broken, then the subject of said law is vulnerable to a lot of shit talking.

This is usually when someone says that they will not o something, but you want to call someone on it.

Matt: I'm never going to prestige in MW2

David: I'm writing that as a Jim Raynor Law

*one month passes*

Matt: I prestige'd

David: You broke the Law you goddamn piece of hypocritical bullshit

by TrasheyYew November 8, 2010

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