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Immy Jimmy

An immigrant.

-Why is this person such a horrible driver?
*Pass by car and look at driver* -"Oh...he's an Immy Jimmy"

by Swashy January 10, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimmy carter

Jimmy Carter = very weak, ineffective president. Overall his presidency was a failure. He was unable to generate confidence and optimism while he was in office.

He lacked the ability to work with Congress - even members of his own party - Democratic - couldn't work with him. Apparently, he antagonized many members of congress with his preachy & pious attitude.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy's 1980 presidential race against an incumbent Democratic president served notice of the discontent that many rank & file Democrats had for President Carter.

History will view the Carter presidency as below average in terms of the presidential rankings of presidential achievement & performance.

As a former president, Jimmy Carter has done many many good things - in fact, he has been a far better former president than he was as president. His humanitarian projects have been superb - he deserves much credit & respect for his post-presidential work. In many ways, Jimmy Carter has - with much success - defined a first class extremely productive post presidency.

Jimmy Carter is a very honorable, decent and kind human being -- he was perhaps too kind & gentle for the rough & tumble world of presidential politics.

It was an honor to see President Carter receive the Nobel Peace Price - a well deserved honor for all of his humanitarian work.

Jimmy Carter will be remembered more for his post presidential work and acheivements - than for his time as the 39th president.

by WET CARGO BOY March 18, 2006

714๐Ÿ‘ 580๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimmy Durante

Have your girlfriend lie on her back and mount her forehead naked. place your balls on her eyes and your dick on her nose and scream "AH CHA CHA CHA CHAH" or "INKA DINKA DOO".

I gave her a Jimmy Durante.

by Jay Nunez September 25, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimmy Neutron

When you're about to bust a nut on a girls forehead and you yell out, "brain blast!" As you bust.

Brandon Jimmy Neutroned Jenny the other day and I could hear him yelling brain blast from outside of his house!

by B stoich the ruler April 7, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimmy jeans

Jimmy jeans is a term commonly used in the North-east to describe cheap blue jeans that are purchased at Ocean State Job Lot for approximately $10.

Oftentimes the jeans are slightly defective (i.e. one leg longer than the other).

I thought we were supposed to get dressed up for this event and look over there at that guy wearing Jimmy jeans.

by BillyMac41 January 27, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimmie johnson

to recieve a blow job whilst operating a motor vehicle

while driving to school lynn gave omar a jimmie johnson

by omar ahmed March 10, 2009

62๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimmy Page

THE greatest guitarist ever of all time. Jimmy was born a mortal and turned into a god by using his Les Paul to create the most amazing sounds ever to be heard. He began in the Yardbirds, but is famous for being the lead guitarist in Led Zeppelin (which btw is the greatest band that has and will ever exist). He is extremely creative, for example his using a violin bow on his guitar. His unfathomable skills are greatly demonstrated in Dazed and Confused, Whole Lotta Love, Communication Breakdown, Heart Breaker, and of course, the biggest rock song ever heard by mankind, Stairway to Heaven. God Jimmy's live performances are unfathomably awesome as he improvises and gives solos up to at least 15 minutes (Check out The Song Remains The Same Live CD). Also, he is very sexy with his long and wavy 70's hair and really cute face.

P. S.
Those of you fuckhead asshole retards who think ur being cool by calling Jimmy Page (God of Rock), a faget who has screechy riffs and that eric clapton is better than him don't kno shit. Clearly you are on crack and are high and don't kno what the fuck ur talking about. You kno nothing whatsoever about rock and it's influences because if you did, you'd kno that Led Zeppelin was one, if not the, most influential bands ever and that they'd be nearly nothing without God Jimmy, who made Stairway to Heaven the greatest rock song with his solo voted best rock solo ever. So for those of u who kno more about Hanna Montana than rock, please, don't write Jimmy Page a bad definition because you have no life and think that u can criticize God Jimmy when u could never do a millionth of the things he did that changed the world. But for those of you who still insult him anyway, I suggest you shoot yourself in the head, put the bits and pieces of your small, demented brain back together, go buy a Led Zeppelin cd, listen to the greatness that is Jimmy Page, and worship him for all eternity and forever beg for his forgiveness.
P. S. S.
Some of you fucktard poser rock critics shouldn't listen to Jimmy Page's music for its awesomeness may be too intense for your worthless ears and may melt your head off.

Person 1: I listen to an hour of Jimmy Page's solos a day, he's fucking amazing
Person 2: Why would you do that? He's a faggot with screechy riffs and Eric Clapton is better than him.
Person 1 shoots Person 2 in the head, passerby cheer, then they all go worship Jimmy Page

by xoxorockkixa**oxox June 30, 2008

83๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž