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Has a big penis and gets all the girls.

that guy is a jon

by awesomdude19191919191919191919 November 23, 2021


a mistake like most ppl

put a condom on we don't want a Jon he has information on the Clintons

by jnigger November 24, 2021


He is most likely a step dad who is a great one. always has time for u and what’s to do things with u. Help with homework and loves to fish and taught u a lot about it and over all is a great person.

You: “ want to do something today”
Jon: “ want to go fishing

by Danica brown January 15, 2021


can’t lie on it

on jon

by xXx_DragonzZ_xXx November 21, 2024


J-O-N the dumbest of all johns, is ether a dumbfuck or just a heroic bastered

Pau iz me jon, i herd u aint good and thatz bad
or bro did you see how Jon snow almost died.

by ohhh hell yea May 2, 2019


Really fucking annoying

Your jon

by Egg bacon man 10 April 30, 2020


this is a name name just any name not a regular name but an awsome name and rare name fuck who ever insulted my name by saying it just a name.

hey jon looking real ocky today

by jersemty April 26, 2021