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Lane Lytle

A Very annoying boy that has every bit of self confidence and tends to embarrass himself and thinks he knows all that. He has brown eyes is short and fat has a big head and is very ugly and no girl wants to date him.

You Suck Lane Lytle!

by FuckBoi420,69 November 17, 2017

Milf express lane

Fastest route possible to your moms front door. Also could be fastest route to moms back door.

Man it's been a long day, going to take the milf express lane before heading home.

by What you looking at my gut fer January 16, 2019


Lane is a pretty girl. She lights up the room when she walkes in. She talkes alot, and are best friend with all the boys. She has a big ass that all the guys drools after. People think she's a stupid blonde, but she's very smart. She is very social and everyone knows who she is.

"Is that the popular girl, Lane?"

by Swagyolo123 November 5, 2020


A really mean person that likes to always play fortnite but only has 100 wins. He licks bananas with apples on each side and he plays tennis. He likes to play outside with a toy car because he is a little dick piece of crap.

That lane kid is so bad at fortnite. What a BOT

by TurtleNuggets12 on xboc September 18, 2019


Chrome dome
Most likely is a wife beater

Lane hit me

by Swaan April 23, 2019


A Highschool drop out, commonly abuses the meta and makes love to furries.

Man that guy dropped out of highschool because he would rather sleep? What a Lane.

by Sahhh Dude May 22, 2018


A smart, kick ass girl who is not afraid to speak her mind and is always truthful. She also cares about peoples feelings and is literally a goddess. Like how is she this hot????? If you have a Lane and you let her go, like do you have a brain? (hehe little rime scheme) But actually though, your so idiotic if you let her go.

Boy 1: (in squeaky voice) Hey lane!!!!
Girl 1: Shut up loser lane is way out of your leauge
Lane: maybe next time bud

by lunnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa March 6, 2022