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Liberal Sandwich

A threesome with two republican girls, and a left leaning male. Typically in between both of them this creating the "sandwhich"

Bruh Taylor and Samantha Liberal Sandwiched me last night after the debate, it was awesome!

by Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyi December 9, 2020

Collared Liberal

A phrase used by the Alt-right to describe a person who refuses to give up leftist politics no matter how absurd or personally damaging.

"Karen is such a collared liberal. She disowned her son because he bought a gun."

by Slanger Wizard June 10, 2020

Sports Liberal

A LeBron supporter who disresgards understanding the basis and goal of sports.

Jacob is a Sports Liberal

by Mandingos Mudflapage May 26, 2021

Female's liberator

A female who can't stand most of the males she met in life, but thinks the females are the most wonderful people for being female rather than for being wonderful people.

Female's liberator- Waaaaaah, I can't stand my father and brother, all they do is make me feel like shit! I'm gonna dedicate my life to whining about how unfair males are to females, and I'm gonna dedicate my life to being the worst kind of bully, the kind of bully who makes everyone else but me the bad guy. Every female should get a prize for being female and being born.

by Solid Mantis September 21, 2019

Liberal Democrats


Person 1: "Does the name Tim Farron mean anything to you?"

Person 2: "Nope."

Person 1: "Me neither."

Person 3: "Lots of weed and 16 year olds voting!"

Person 1: "ah... Now I remember"

Boris: "Jesus christ Nigel! Is that what I think it is?"

Nigel: "My God Boris! It's a one of those liberal democrats! I thought those things were extinct in Britain."

by A Sceptical Leftie October 26, 2017

Liberal Democrats

A collective noun for a group of moles.

“What is a UK political party that shares it’s name with the collective noun for moles?”
“For some reason Liberal Democrats is shouting out to me.”

“What is that group of mammals in your garden?”
“Oh, that’s just some Liberal Democrats.”

by Megalol9 October 18, 2021

Liberal Love

Liberal love is when you tattletail or sell out your friend or someone you know for your own personal gain or to scapegoat your way out of a situation.

Ralph ate the last brownie it wasn't me.
Why did you fuck your friend over like that? I just gave him a little bit of liberal love. It was Trevor's idea to creep on the girls, I was only there because he told me I had to.

by Firebird777 January 15, 2021