It’s hard to know if you will like her or not but if you like her you will definitely have some great memories with her. She’s not mainstream. She doesn’t like the same music as the most of her age and doesn’t wear the same clothes as the others in her age but that is just her. You could never imagine her in skinny jeans listening to rap or smth because that isn’t her. She’s definitely written by a women. She’s a feminist. She will probably never wear smth else than black. She will comfort you if you’re sad, make jokes if you’re happy and will probably start a fight with a boy if he hurts you. She’s supporting. If you ask her for an honest opinion you can probably count on her because she will tell you the truth about what she thinks.
Who would marry Jonny depp? Lilli
Lilli's are rude as hell. They tend to be toxic and talk abt everyone behind their backs. They are hoes and hang around boys a bit too much. They think that they arent toxic and are sweet to everybody but in reality they are bitches and nobody likes them. Lilli's always are too attached to their exes too. Its hard to let go of Lillis bc they are funny but they are way too toxic. If you know a lilli, let her go!!
Lillis Friend: OMG! Lilli is being so rude! I wanna drop her but i cant.
Other Lilli's friend: me too
Lilli- (to another girl) My friends are so rude they think im toxic but i am so not!! I hate them!
A Lilli is a person with good humor and used to have bad taste in boys but now she likes hotties. She is very funny and knows man memes. She is a bad b who knows how to dress. Also a horse girl. Red flag: into astrology
"Lilli once thought Richard looked good"
"Yeah, Lilli is so funny"
Lilli’s are known for being a crackhead. They are very hyper, awkward, and wears glasses. Though she looks nerdy, she is very sensitive and gets defensive very easily so be careful with her. Lilli’s can tend to be a little gay (or a lot) and has a deep loving for dogs. All and all you should definitely get a Lilli in your life as she is gorgeous, even when being a ditz
Person 1: “Man I wish I was able to talk to Lilli”
Person 2: “I know right? Lilli is awesome!”
you are such an amazing person and the funniest person in the world. You are my best friend but you be a lil poopoo head shit ass nut lick some times 🦶🦶
kelsey: bro have you seen lilli?
chloe: ya bro she is so funny it’s so crazy to hang out with her