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1. (v) to preform oral sex on female genitalia
2. (n) a person who performs oral sex on female genitalia

1. "Dave munches me so good."
2. "that nigga a munch" (Munch, Ice Spice)

by Noctone April 7, 2023


some one who eats cat and doesn’t get anything in return .

girl Yk that nigga a munch lol
Wym ?
He ate my pussy and Ian give him no head

by lildurkfanglover September 8, 2022


A nigga who eat pussy without expecting anything in return or getting nothing in return

You thought I was feeling you? That nigga ah munch!

by biglipn September 6, 2022


a person, usually a guy who eats coochie frequently and eagerly.

you’ll never guess but Elijah is a munch! he ate me out 3 times last night.

by babylue September 4, 2022


The way you would describe a person such as Grant O’Brian

You thought I was filling you Grant O’Brians a MUNCH

by Diddybk January 3, 2023


someone who gives he@d

“ she gave it to me last night bro, she’s a munch

by wasteofcum September 5, 2022



You thought I was feeling you? That N**** a munch

by Yunknown September 20, 2022