A competitive sport, best played in public spaces. Won by penetrating the enclosed space created by a person's arm (when placing their hand on their hip/head/a wall/another person) with one's own arm, as many times as possible without being caught.
"Tim and I were arm-holing so many people on the dance-floor last night! He nearly got punched in the head!"
The bridge that connects the two sacred cavities of a female.
If the hole bridge requires a toll, make sure your undercarriage has a protective coating to prevent damage.
When a guy refers to the number of women he has slept with.
Angela asked Mike about his hole stats.
n: The little opening betwixt the ass cheeks wherewith poop comes out. (I.E.- anus, butthole, poop chute.)
Dude, my prune hole did not appreciate the exit of the spicy enchiladas I ate last night.
Like a glory hole but with a surprise.
When you fine a gooey hole with sharp edges don’t put your cock in it, you will most likely lose your cock.
“Dude, chad put his cock in the Hell Hole and she bit it off.”
When you front fart but a little cheese excretes its saltiness out.
OMG! Max francis was walking one day to pick the kiddies up and buy some african bongos when his well dirty smeg hole began to moisten and erupt again.
A euphemism for the butthole of a man or woman, ussually used within comedy.
Man1: Dude, my bungle hole is really itchy.
Man2: TMI bro.