Source Code

nigger boy

When a nigger man is demoted to simply a nigger boy

Damn that nigger boy just wont quit!

by DondeEsta February 10, 2019

74๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alabama Nigger

Kid: I'm an alabama nigger

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I dont drink
I dont cuss
I wanna ride on the front of the bus

I wanna eat where the white folks eat
cause I'm white on the bottom of my feet.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

We dont screw like the white folks do
we just screw til we get through

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white more and more
so i can bitch at the nigger next door

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm glad this tune came along
we done wore out one nigger song.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white dont you understand
so I can play in a trashy white band

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

by nigga wit a gun April 22, 2021

108๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger virginity

Saying the "nigger" for the first time. Leading to new doorways of comedy.

"It's quite a nigger day"
"Nigger day?"
"Hey! You just said nigger!"
"Fuck! You took my nigger virginity away!"

by Some guy who's a guy February 25, 2016

nigger in chief

A racial slur used to refer to the United States' first African American Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama.

Did you see our Nigger in Chief speaking again this morning on CNN? That fucking monkey is letting more illegals in from Mexico.

by AbsorbKn0wledge February 18, 2016

100๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nigger Spinner

A spinning black dude


by greentopdude October 15, 2017

66๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger logic

Thinking that expends the least amount of effort possible.

Thinking that encroaches on others and achieves subpar results.

Example of Nigger Logic:

Leroy: "Damn Rastus, you're still not done rebuilding that wooden fence?"

Rastus: "I'm done."

Leroy: "aight, I saw that huge piece of plywood and figured it was work-in-progress."

Rastus: "naw dawg, when I ran out of cedar fencing from Leroy's property, I finished the fence with plywood I found in my attic."

Leroy: "aight, aight"

Rastus: "where might a brother hook hisself up with some sheet rock? "

by brotherup October 4, 2013

335๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

niggers in a pool

When somebody shits in the toilet

Oh look, there is some niggers in a pool.

by Lee keybum March 14, 2017

177๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž