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Jesse de Silva

the hottest 18th-century guy around! deep brown eyes, white scar on his eyebrow, VERY impressive abs, ... transparent body... (well, not anymore)

Jesse de Silva is like, on the top 10 list of hottest boys on earth! He's from the mediator series by Meg Cabot, and i LOVE him! i know he's not real, but i really did fall for the guy!!

"his voice! so deep, it seemed to reverberate down my spine. it was Jesse's voice alright, but suddenly, it was in surround sound, it was THX..." - the mediator 6 - meg cabot
"never had I been so aware of the way his dark hair curled against the back of his tanned neck; the deep brown of his eyes; the whiteness of his teeth; the strength in those long legs as he knelt down beside me..." - the mediator 6 - meg cabot

me: *writes IยขยพJDS* somewhere
friend: who's JDS?
me: Jesse de Silva! i love Jesse de Silva!!

by hOtnSpiCY92 June 4, 2006

241๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

robert de niro

One of the greatest actors ever.
Usually compared to Al Pacino, however..both of them are great.

Seen in films such as : Meet the Parents, The Godfather Part II, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Awakenings, among others.

Guy 1: I watched Taxi Driver last night.
Guy 2: De Niro is great in that movie.
Guy 1 and 2: "You Talkin' Ta Me?"

by SuperSonicX August 20, 2004

351๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pwnce de Leon

The explorer who spent his whole life searching for the Fountain of Pwn, which would make anyone who drank from it a 1337 pwnz0r for life.

Today, the term is used to describe any n00b who gets continually pwned at something and never improves, yet keeps coming back for more.

Guy 1: "Crap! I've been playing Halo for 4 years now and I've never won a game of capture the flag."

Guy 2: "Give it up, Pwnce de Leon."

by MJMizzle October 9, 2007

64๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

neuken in de keuken

literally means "to have sex in the kitchen" in dutch. But Dutch people always tell tourists that it means "hello" in dutch. It is a very commonly used expression, Dutch people being great fans of kitchen sex. Probably the second national sport after cycling.

Tourist entering a restaurant in the Netherlands:
"neuken in de keuken, could we have a table for two please"

by Yogalates April 8, 2005

2106๐Ÿ‘ 460๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ta Ma De

Translated literally, it means "His Mother's". Used as "Fuck!", but more often as "Fucking", as in "my ta ma de car was stolen" or "those ta ma de thieves stole my car". Can be shortened to TMD.

That other ta ma de poster wrote the wrong definition! Vote down that TMD douchebag!

by noejose99 September 27, 2009

296๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tour de Keller

A guise for gay butt sex, a Tour de Keller is when two men tell everyone that they are going for a leisurely bike ride, but instead go behind the dumpster at a local Wendy's, and proceed to take turns fisting and pounding each others assholes. Their assholes be in obvious pain, but they can simply claim it was from the long bike ride.

Steve: hey man, you want to take a tour de Keller?
Patrick: yeah, I could use a good pounding, but need a good excuse to tell my wife why my underwear is blood stained.

by J funktacular June 10, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

De Gea FC

A part of football twitter where accounts stan and talk 24/7 about Spanish goalkeeper David De Gea.

The head and founder of De Gea FC is the suspended account @iibrahimm12 on twitter, he is now called @12iibrahimm.

Person 1: What Player FC are you ??
Person 2: De Gea FC of course !!!
Person 1: Massive W idolo, fb ?

by Football Expert May 31, 2021

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž