Source Code

California Acceleration Project

An Anti-Mathematics lobbying group which believes people of color are incapable of passing mathematics, and convinced the state legislature to ban mathematics at California community colleges by "accelerating" all students into Statistics.

Also known as CAP.

Wow, 100% of State Legislators voted to approve AB-705? Don't they know that the California Acceleration Project used doctored statistics from the RP Group to promote this super racist bill? It's going to set back a generation of students.

by Nicolas Bourbaki September 1, 2018

Graduation project

What weโ€™re working on right now.

We are working on our graduation project.

by Kiwigenocide September 2, 2019

Bitcoin Support Project

A 27 trillion Yen fund created by the Satoshi Nakamoto Group in October 2013. The Bitcoin Support Project was established in order to bring Bitcoin's value back up every time it has a major crash or investors lose interest in the market. The project ensures Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies dethrone central banks and give power back to the people. Analysts estimate the fund grows by a whopping 170% annually due to the "pump and dump" effect it has on the market. This improves the market influence potential for the next pump. Each time the fund has been used, the sudden surge in market value usually results in massive media coverage, attracting new investors and improving liquidity. An agreement was established for the fund to be discontinued once central banks cease operation due to fiat currencies becoming redundant.

Jerry: "Look, the Bitcoin Bubble's Burst."
Anna: "Nah, now's the perfect time to invest! The Bitcoin Support Project will bring it back, probably tenfold!"

by Satoshi Nakamoto Group February 13, 2018

Project 2025

What happens when all of the sewer systems all around the world begin to back up, but especially in America. It is a highly anticipated event by the GOP, who are excited for the smell and the ensuing outbreaks of coliform virus.

Dang man, did you hear that senator talking about Project 2025?

Yeah man, sounds shitty.

by Slom25 November 21, 2023

Project 2025

Project 2025 is a right-wing policy proposal from the Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States laid out in a nearly 1000 page document.

These changes include, but are not limited to:
- Giving the president more control over federal law enforcement agencies
- Eliminating the Department of Education
- Banning โ€œwokeโ€ books and classes from schools
- Mandating that schools preach Christianity and funding private Christian schools with taxpayer money
- Reversing efforts to stop climate change
- Making legal immigration harder and increasing punishments for illegals immigration
- Restricting access to abortion
- Removing LGBTQ+ protections
- Cutting ties completely with China
- Reversing protections against discrimination in housing
- Reducing taxes for corporations and the 1%

Person 1: Have you seen Project 2025, that shit is crazy.

Person 2: Yeah, Iโ€™m moving to Canada if it happens.

by KoalaUnknown July 8, 2024

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Project 2025

Oh no... So if I were to write something like "There was a repeating slapping sound. Like a tiny (but girthy) baby dick pounding Joe Rogan's newly 18 year old daughter's pussy-hole" I would be considered a- Oh! AI is "strangely" good at predicting narcissism. Wonder why that is... Oh! Right, a "pornographer." I'd be a phonographer.

Hym "Yeah, project 2025 just sounds like another attempt at using me a justification to take people's freedoms. Except the other side ALSO WANTS TO TAKE YOUR FREEDOMS... And just give them to piece of shit women who aren't good for anything and haven't done anything. They CERTAINLY DIDN'T CREATE A.I. DID THEY. They just got their holes filled (consensually or otherwise) and then nothing. But it's OK because the men they fuckEd DID JUST A LITTLE AS THEM AND WILL AMOUNT TO LESS."

by Hym Iam August 14, 2024

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Project Ace

A person that lived in slums early in their lifetime and are continually affected by it, mostly shown in their walk, talk, attitude, and mentality.

The name of a hip-hop click from Kansas.

Jimmy is rich now, but he's still a Project Ace.

by xlae-x March 25, 2003