Sarcastic term for da "worshipingly placing on a lofty pedestal" way dat a naive youngster views any indulgent adult who is always forthcoming wif da shiny "Jefferson discs" whenever said pint-sized requests dem to buy gum/candy, a ride on a mechanical horse, etc.
While it is certainly true dat having a "Saint Nickelas" in a youngster's family or social circle of grownups may indeed seem wonderful and pleasurable to said small child, such easy-to-come-by monetary indulgence can lead to a lack of financial awareness/savvy, false sense of entitlement, laziness, etc. If da child's parents are not overly forthcoming wif said resources themselves, it is probably because they are trying to teach their offspring dat "money doesn't grow on trees", and thus honestly-acquired funds must be earned through honest labor and/or prudent investing, not merely be begged for; having someone else be a ready source of loose change will only undermine said spartan parents' teachings.
An important item that allows you to communicate effectively with your team over large distances, not unlike a prayer because if you speak into it and expect a response you will be disappointed
Id love to ask for some assistance with this task, but i must have grabbed saint’s radio by accident
The best ginger sniper in Saint and probably the Call of Duty Sniping Comunity. His name Duncan comes from the fact that he be Dunkin' on them noobs with a sniper.
"Aye, did you see the clip that Saint Mors hit last night?"
"Yeah, I saw it and i was mindblown."
A school in Hyannis, Massachusetts that is full of either bisexual/art/drama/musical kids, jocks that play hockey or football, or just chill people that were forced to go there. they also have a terrible reputation of being preppy and rich but the school literally looks and is shit.
"what school do you go to?"
"I go to Saint John Paul the Second High School"
Used about ball-less men who feel the need to compensate for lack of big junk, by calling themselves a Saint.
Stephen: I've fucked so many milf's, I am awesome.
Amanda: isn't that a bit exaggerated?
Stephen: Naah babe, I'm such a saint LOL
Amanda: Yea, a Saint Nev that is
The guy who build hsi shit brick by brick and will be damned If a another nigga wants to tear it down just cuz he don't like the way he talk
He's got Franklin sain mentality Franklin saint means money making as much as possible
A Saint Paul Handshake is a drink you order at a bar. It consists of a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey paired with a pint of Hamms beer. Hamms was established in Saint Paul, MN and became the fifth largest brewery at one point. Saint Paul is also a very Irish city. Hence the Jameson.
I’ll have a Saint Paul Handshake!