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A place where you learn to keep your eyes open while sleeping.

I learned something in school today, Mommy!!!

by Logan Mo March 13, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


I have to wake up at 7:30am and drag myself into a lukewarm shower and motivate myself to keep on breathing, sort my hair and get into my uniform like everyone else.

Look into the crowd and notice everyone looks the same, anyone who wears the 'wrong' shoes or maybe has on some jeans or a hoodie, maybe just wearing there tie incorrectly. Gets sent to the head teachers office and is given into trouble, there reason?, we need to show 'pride' in our school -_-

Get to class after being pushed through tiny hallways like cattle, being stared at and observed through classroom windows.

Walk in and sit down, teachers put on a brave face and try to do there best. There are some teachers who can't be bothered, some who really try and believe in there students and the ones who have 'favourites' and treat anyone below the line with contempt and derision.
I do my best, i really do, but it gets to a point where i have to relax and float through my classes. Not really taking anything in and spacing out.

Weekends, well, only happen once a week.
Summer is fleeting and then your thrown back in
Holidays are few and far between

Bullying happens a lot and is overlooked, drugs are an escape i guess and most kids in my class take them.

I don't hate learning

I just hate school

by A Broken Student September 8, 2010

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A place were you have to sit in plastic chairs all day because they're to cheap to get better chairs. My butt often hurts from the chairs. The government forces you to go to school seven hours a day 5 days a week from the age 4-18. Also "teachers" work at this place called school. Sometimes the teachers are great. Sometimes you have the teachers who lose your 100 point test right before the final report card. Then there is the teachers who give you a heck of a lot of homework like a five page packet on Ancient Greece every single night. Half of the information won't be used as an adult but you are forced to learn and solve problems like this If 1/2x +1/2(1/2x + 1/2(1/2x +1/2(1/2x + ... = y,

then x = ?

x = 1. But when am I ever going to use this? I even asked my math teacher and hes like its just training how you think. When my parents went to school the hardest thing they had to learn was the GCF of a number.

I love coming home from school and having a cranky parent as if I didn't have a bad day already? Then your parent gets mad at you and says they work fourty hours a week doing blah blah. Don't they see I go to school for 35 hours a week AND TAKE TESTS AND DO HOMEWORK and do the chores you made me do? I actually have a life believe it or not people. I don't really want to know about How ancient Greece got more farmland actually I could care less. Haha sorry this is like venting because I have a crap load of homework and I don't know how to do half of it.

Nerd: School is grand! I am always baffled to wake up to the smell of finished homework!!!

Normal kid : Ehh school. *Walks into first hour* *Friend asks are you ready for that test that is worth 90% of our grade* * WTF THERES A TEST!?????!!!!!!??????*

by CrEePeR aLeRt February 6, 2011

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the worst fuckin' place in the world with partial teachers who will only punish a few kids that they dont like but wont do jackshit to the kids they like

i gotta go 2 school and get detention fer being me again

by dude March 21, 2004

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A center of learning.

Judging by the crap posted on this dictionary, a lot of people need more school. You braindead zombies. Open up a fucking book, read, write, learn math and science, and become a productive and innovative member of society. Otherwise, just drop out of school and jump off a bridge. Otherwise, you will end up draining the world's resources and giving nothing back.

Here's some simple math for ya, kids.

Don't go to school = Be a loser.

by GreatestThinkerEver August 1, 2003

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Seven crappy hours of our lives

Man we have school today

by Cookie.Monster_01 June 12, 2015

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Kills you faster than bleach

Man 1: I can't take it anymore man, im going to school
Man 2: ok... See you on the other side

by Sonofabiscunt October 20, 2016

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