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shanking weeds

What NIWA (northern Irish weeding association) does to help the environment.

Yo, cuz, how many weeds have you shanked today? I’m defo gettin a pay rise for this! Shanking weeds is the best!

by some nonce January 9, 2018


A man with an abnormally large head. The largeness of the head is created by not only an obsession with the real Superman...but also due to his quick wit and miscellaneous facts conjured up from dogpile.com. He can be considered a genius, or even run for the next President of the United States - so take his antics and threats seriously!

Don't make me go Super-Shank on your ass fool!

by Concerned patron May 11, 2010

Raw shank

Bareback prison ass rape

Johnny's cell mate was acting up so Johnny had to give him the raw shank to settle his ass down.

by 5757bagodicks July 28, 2017

Shank Nugget

A shit that feels like shards of glass on the way out; it hurts like hell and cuts up your hole.

My butt hurts from taking a shank nugget this morning.

by Sundog56 December 26, 2022

Gay shanks

When two gay people come out to each other they experience the emotion gay shanks

Bob I’m gay” “ really I am too!” They’re experiencing gay shanks

by Gay shanks October 25, 2020

Vagina Shanking

The act of fisting a girl repeatedly out of anger and then shoving dildos in and out rapidly.you can use other round objects such as Carrots, Cucumbers, Pickles, Traffic cones, Poles, Lead Pipes, Ice Cream Cones (with or without Ice Cream), Feet, Florescent Light bulb, and last but not least The Denver Broncos.

Dude she cheated on him.

Oh Shit! He is gonna be Vagina Shanking her tonight!

by bigblackwolf May 26, 2012

Ryan Shanks

Gets a lot of sex from women daily and has a 13 inch cock. Very strong and touch man. He Has a six pack. He is very sexy and cute. He only plays with women on video games.

OMG Ryan Shanks cock was so big last night

by Massive Cock Man Ryan April 15, 2021